Ever wondered what happened to the songs that were recorded for Mariah Carey’s cancelled ‘Angels Advocate’ remix album? Well, it seems that they have finally begun to surface starting with R. Kelly’s version of ‘Betcha Gon’ Know’.
Listen to the song below:
Although this track is unfinished (Carey’s vocals were obviously supposed to be added to the last verse), it is painfully clear that it could have been a winner in every way. R. Kelly utilised his storytelling skills to continue the plot started by Carey on the original to create an exciting narration.
In fact, this record could have been the foundation for one of the duo’s best videos, following in the vein of ‘Trapped In The Closet’. Indeed, if Carey needed a hit to salvage the ‘Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel’ era than this was it.
I need the names of whoever ruined this project. This is such an injustice!