The video for The Throne’s ‘Otis’ has finally been released. Directed by Spike Jonze, the highly anticipated visual was filmed in Los Angeles to support the duo’s future #1 album, ‘Watch the Throne’.!/msunperfect2010 Ms. Nia Imani
Dare I say it Hov actually looked cute
nigga please
yall notice how its on the official “KanyeWestVevo” channel?!?! aint that some damn shade!!
Why is that shade??? The Cryptic Beauty
They seemed like they had lots of fun shooting this video but Jay and ‘Ye remind of someone’s dad and uncle.
lol Dale__23
Yea…..why is that considered shade??
The video looked fun, but i probably wouldn’t watch it 10 times…
the fuck???
@ISTANN4GAGA, take your ass back to That Prune Juice aka the post thieves.
Video was overhyped, but look like somethin i would do at age 17 –JAY IS 40 ish and YE is 30+. Song is just okay for me and the video didn’t help me like someone distroying a classic “Try A Little Tenderness by Otis Redding
@wayno, I agree. Ty a little tenderness by Otis Redding is a beautiful classic and they destroyed it. Truth is Kany and Jay got famous for sampling, they were never that original. Just plain simple rappers – no artists. Well ok..Kanye at least try to write a song and “sing” : Heartbreakere, Love Lockdown
http://-none- JV
Where was it filmed? My boo wants to know- she thought maybe the old McDonald-Douglas lot?