Justin Bieber’s ‘Under the Mistletoe’ Christmas album has yet to hit stores but he is already planning his next release, ‘Believe’. However, the young superstar has promised that he will take his sound a new direction with the assistance of Drake and Kanye West.
‘Believe’ is scheduled to debut in early 2012. Meanwhile, Bieber has been taking breaks from his recording schedule to promote his ‘Under the Mistletoe’ record. He has already issued two single from the Holiday project – ‘Mistletoe’ and a cover of ‘The Christmas Song’ alongside his mentor, Usher.
Rad what Bieber had to say about his ‘Believe’ album below:
“I’m working with a lot of cool people. I’m working with Kanye. Drake is going to work on the album with me,” he said. “I just learned about picking the right songs and making sure that I create a sound that people aren’t really used to hearing so that it’s new and fun and people enjoy it.”
Read more on Rap-Up.
This revelation is certainly not a surprise. Bieber is a tween icon and the lifespan of his career is closely tied to the end of puberty. Yet, if he does intend to transcend beyond the child star curse and have success into his 20s then he would be wise to plan his artistic journey from now.
Thus far, Bieber has been dependent on the cosigns of other established acts and he has yet to prove his artistic ability without the assistance of his peers. Although he is indeed a major seller, Miley Cyrus was similarly successful and because she was unable to adapt her sound, her career exhibited an abrupt dip.
Hence, hopefully Bieber has started vocal training and dance classes. Indeed, his uncanny resemblance to Ellen Degeneres won’t be interesting for much longer.