Earlier today, Chris Brown released the lead single from his upcoming X album, “Fine China”, and during the last 24 hours, he stormed the media with a string of interviews to generate buzz for the new song. Of course, those of us with lives didn’t have the time to provide ball by ball coverage but I did compile them all here for you.
Among the many stops made by Brown on the media circuit were Fuse, The Today Show, The Angie Martinez Show and Shade 45′s Sway in the Morning. What were the topics of conversation? Watch the footage and see the main points neatly listed below:
Fuse (Working with Rihanna, Kelly Rowland, Wiz Khalifa and Kendrick Lamar)
The Today Show (Beating Rihanna and a “Fine China” flash bob)
The Angie Martinez (Feuding with Drake, Declining Oprah and loving Rihanna)
Sway in the Morning (Feuding with Drake and a “Started from the Bottom” cover)
Chris Brown Breakfast Club :: The Lava Lizard