The season finale of Saturday Night Live aired last evening and it featured a guest appearance by the man of the hour, Kanye West. However, instead of the pleasantly egotistical rapper to which the world has grown accustomed, viewers of the show were greeted by an angry West, who seemed to be channeling new millenium Lauryn Hill.
Making political statements amidst screams and flashing visuals, West delivered the first live performance of a new song called “Black Skinhead”. The track will appear alongside “New Slaves” on his upcoming Yeezus album, which will hit stores on June 18th. Why do I suddenly miss the days when West’s only only agenda was to diss George Bush and touch the sky until the day he dies?
Watch West perform “Black Skinhead” and “New Slaves” on SNL below and pray for a better tomorrow:
“Black Skinhead”
“New Slaves”