What happens when you make statements about Beyonce’s music without her permission? Well, you either get dropped from her project or suffer some other embarrassing consequences. Obviously, Diplo doesn’t want to fall victim to any such ramification so he has backtracked on his previous comments about Beyonce’s album being scrapped.
Blaming everyone favourtie scapegoat, the media, for twisting his words, Diplo claimed that when he told The Sun that Beyonce’s new record had been axed, he was referring to a song and not her entire album. Yet, his so called explanation makes absolutely no sense when read in the context of his interview with the publication.
For those of you struggling to follow this discussion, let’s review Diplo’s key statement:
”I just did two songs for [Beyonce's] new album, well, I tried. I think she scrapped the record.”
Diplo’s comments would be completely pointless if “record” referred to both songs and not the entire album. Besides, if he was simply talking about one of the songs then why not specifically indicate that? This article is not about the power of Language Arts but his logic is clearly off.
This situation highlights a very important issue involving producers and artists. Diplo is incredibly talented and has the right to discuss his music as he sees fit. However, if he upset Beyonce or her team with his words then he should have clarified without targeting the the media.
Dear Diplo, if you hate music journalism then stick to what you know. Make your beats, DJ a few parties and live the good life. When you release new music, don’t conduct any interviews and pray that your albums sell with the support of the media. Who knows, maybe Beyonce will buy a few copies or let your DJ her next tour.