Beyonce Dominates ‘Le Grand Journal’

And she won’t stop! The Beyonce promotional machine rages onward, this time making a quick on Canal +’s ‘Le Grand Journal’. The singer, who released her recently release her ’4′ album, took control of the stage with a high energy of ‘Run The World’ and her troop of dancers.

See the footage of Beyonce’s showing below:



  • JohnnyS
    28 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    She’s absolutely fucking amazing. The greatest performer of our generation. Hands down. Nobody is even coming close.

  • 28 Jun 2011 | Permalink |


  • audrey_j
    29 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    At the end of the interview after the perf, and one of the hosts asked for a hug, all the crowd said NOO !!! Bey said “of course you can” so the jealous crowd went : “BOOOOO” :( lool

  • WonderLand19
    29 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    LOVE LOVE LOVE !!!!!!!!

    She Slayed it AGAIN! I love her dancers, the Les Twins. They are super talented.
    Iam buying the album. !!

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