Beyonce Rocks Day 3 Of ‘Intimate’ Concert

Beyonce is currently performing live at the Roseland Ballroom in New York for the third day of her ’4 Intimate Nights With Beyonce’ concert series. The entertainer has already performed several songs from her extensive catalogue including ‘Party’, ‘Rather Die Young’ and more.

‘Party’/'Rather Die Young’/'Love On Top’/'Countdown’/'End of Time’

‘I Care’/'I Miss You’



  • chloe
    19 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    omg she gets better with each show. i cant wait to get a better quality video. i live for RATHER DIE YOUNG LIVE

  • ABC
    19 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    GaGa went to the show…I love the friendship her and Bey have

  • emorej
    19 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    so did jennifr hudson

  • KD
    19 Aug 2011 | Permalink |


    I feel you…Rather Die You just comes Alive LIVE <3

  • lostluv224
    19 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    I was there yesterday…Let me tell you!!! The show is a killa and I can see why Gaga couldnt contain herself during End of Time – Bey slayyys it! The energy was thru the roof yesterday! i sweated my damn perm out lol

One Trackback

  • 19 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    [...] was barely able to contain herself and started dancing in the audience during the latter’s performance of ‘End of Time’. Other artists who reporedly attended the show included Maxwell, [...]

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