Beyonce Soars On ‘The View’

Beyonce has finally resumed her US promotional campaign. Appearing on this morning’s episode of ‘The View’, the diva performed restrained renditions of ‘Best Thing I Never Had’ as well as ’1+1′.

Look below for the performances:

‘Best Thing I Never Had’





  • 28 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    One plus One equals TWO! So simple, but powerful message.

  • RihBaby
    28 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Look at this poor flop! The View? QUEEN RIHANNA is doing WORLD TOURS! HAHAHAH!

  • ABC
    28 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Like Beyonce has never done world tours???…basic bitch, Beyonce’s last tour grossed more then any tour Billy Goat has done

    BTINH is in the top 20 on the Hot 100, where are California Flop Bed and Flop Down?????????

    Beyonce was sick and still slayed with her vocals

  • Maverick
    28 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    @RihBaby who the hell is rihanna? oh that wanna-be-white chick who can’t even hold a note to save his little ass?

  • RIhBaby
    28 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    QUEEN RIHANNA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BeyHASBEENce

  • PIA
    28 Jul 2011 | Permalink |


    beyonce > rihanna though. theyrve both my girls but c’monn.

  • AyeBritt_
    28 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Rihanna coulnt get booked to the view because all she sings/talks about is SEX.. every damn interview shes talking about sex, there has to be more to hr then that.

    And as far as touring lmaooooo Beyonce has WORLD TOURS also. RIhanna has a tour date in Ethiopia? nope. Beyonce been doing ARENA’s, Rihanna just started.

    Bey’s album just released, tour coming soon boo-boo.

  • Amanda
    28 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Apart from good vocals,That is what makes Beyonce standout.She TEARS up the stage,no matter what she performs.Seriously,right now,there is no female popstar who can perform like Beyonce.Rihanna,Katy Perry,Britney Spears can all take a seat.Gaga is very good too,but she’s entirely different.She stands out because she’s eccentric.Beyonce is just a package of good voice,hotness and killing dance moves.

  • Amanda
    28 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    RihBaby is a POOR POOR joke lol.Let’s just be honest,Rihanna OR Katy Perry can’t sing live to save their life.Period.

    28 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    RIHBABY, im apart of RIHANNANAVY “better yet a NAVY” but that Beyonce shades makes NO FUCKING sense, you side Baby Navy Ho needs to fall back, its ppl like you that makes other ppl hate Rihanna for no reason, first off Rihanna aint no Queen, she has barely been in the game 10 years now, she getting there, she is still Learning, Maturing vocally, and Flourishing as an Artiste.

    Beyonce is on the View, you dunce promoting her 4 Album with claim #1 on the BB with its recent release, Rihanna is still yet to do that, Show me the FLOP you speaketh of.. so come on!

    and World Tours, Rihanna is only Touring because LOUD has been out 9 months now and planning went into it with rehearsals and stage designing and costuming within that time period. So when you say Queen Rihanna is World Touring it shows how anal and dumb you are, because Rihanna also did Talkshow promo, Letterman, while Beyonce was WORLD TOURING, so u make no sense BITCH Fall BACK!

  • 29 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I am SO SO SO SO proud of BJADE for not being a delusional Rihanna stan! If only they were all like that!

  • Naomi
    29 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Sweetie pies, especially “RihBaby,” in case you haven’t heard or seen Rihanna’s tour data, she hasn’t been selling out arenas. On the other hand, Beyoncé does sell out arenas and has been doing so for longer than its been since Rihanna lost her virginity. Long time, I know.

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