Here we go again. While discussing the marketing strategy he utilised to promote his ‘Watch The Throne’ LP in an interview with 99 Jamz, Jay-Z briefly discussed Beyonce’s ability as a performer and compared her to Michael Jackson.
The ’99 Problems’ rapper admitted that linking his wife to the King of Pop is indeed blasphemy because the latter was an innovator but suggested that her dedication to her shows is unmatched. Hear what Jay-Z had to say below (starting at 10:08):
Luckily for Jay-Z, he made sure to highlight the quality that Jackson that will forever separate him from Beyonce and any other performer – he was an innovator. Although Beyonce is certainly an excellent entertainer who delivers an amazing show, she has yet to do anything new or original in either her music or her concerts.
In fact, many of her recent live performances have been framed by redundancies where she has even resorted to recycling her own ad libs. For instance, compare ‘Crazy In Love’ on the ‘I Am Tour’ DVD to the performance at Glastonbury: “blow your horn girl! Ow make it funky!” *tosses wig* “I hope you don’t mind!”
Regardless of these points, it is hard to deny Beyonce’s work ethic and skill onstage. She has grown tremendously since the start of her career as both a dancer and vocalist with few other performers being able to compare to her ability. All she has to do now is give us something that doesn’t look like it came fresh out of a Tina Turner drag queen competition, continue to forge her own sound and she will finally be able to avoid any such comparisons.
Do you think Beyonce is really the next Michael Jackson? Cast your vote in our Facebook poll below:
no beyonce cant dance chris brown is the next mj so jay need 2 stop bey dont even have the talent
Bey doesn’t have the talent?? Funny.
When Mariah Jiggly Puff Ass Doin It? Lmao
As a stan I have to say I’d agree with u dead on. Beyonce’s only flaw is how unoriginal she is. Her Billboard performance completely slayed. 2 days later we find out she totally took it from someone. It’s annoying. It doesn’t mean shes not the best RIGHT NOW…but it does take her back some.
Good analysis on Jays behalf. And i agree that Bey needs to do new arrangement for some of her older songs, crazy in love, single ladies etc. There is definitely room for improvement and even her current crazy in love arrange is inferior to Gnarls Barkley mix seen in Beyonce experience tour; both in terms of the musicality and her vocal arrangements
i think with the direction she took on “4″ (other than Run The World) she is beginning to dig her heels in and make her own path that nobody else can travel on. she needs to continue to build on what she’s started with “4″ cuz let’s be honest, we aint heard nothin like that in R&B music in a long time.
Beyonce will never be the next MJ because she is NOT an INNOVATOR she’s an IMITATOR.
LMFAO @ the thought of Chris Brown being the next MJ…when will Chris leave the auto-tune alone…no entertainer out has Beyonce’s work ethic , she slays all of her performances even when she’s sick
Hmmmm…. The only thing I can think of how Beyonce is near to MJ is when she dies it will blow up the Media like how MJ did….. Thats all I can think….
The MJ comparisons are hard to take seriously because I don’t think anybody is a second coming of him. Beyonce definitely has a great work ethic and is talented. I agree with Trent that I see Tina Turner’s influence all over Beyonce and that’s not a bad thing. But the subject matter that MJ covered in his songs regarding the environment, love, humanity, nobody is going in that direction with their music on a consistent basis. I think Beyonce, Chris Brown, Usher all are descendants of MJ’s influence but there will never be another MJ.
Chris Brown? This Nigga Is A Wanna Be Rapper Auto-Tune Mixtape Making Fool. He Can’t Perform Live Singing And Dancing And Not Sound Like He’s Going Into Cardiac Arrest
feel like bey isnt there like she not a natural dancer like chris brown but chris imo is the next mj and the only atist who should be compared 2 mj imo
ABC please no entertainer has chris brown work ethic he doesnt even write he just sings his stuff and words come out like last time i checked bey cant do that chris is the next mj soo bey is ok i guess no entertain can put on a show like chris brown
Beyonce is this generations MJ….. i mean who can perform like her? I’m not saying she’s on MJs level or has achieved what MJ has done cuz she hasn’t….. but she is this generations most respected performer and most musicians such as gaga, and rihanna look up to her
There will never be another Michael Jackson, point blank period. But I hate when people say she imatates other artist, every artist imatate someone so stfu and have a seat! Beyonce is one of the best entertainers in the world and she deserves everything that she has accomplished!
Everybody I love my girl Bey but Jay is crazy for saying this. She is great but I see Tina Turner in her not Michael.
1. Beyonce has NEVER EVER had a THRILLER LEVEL album…Not even an OFF THE WALL in quality nor sales.
2. Michael Jackson didn’t live for wind machines, echo, and off the booty shaking club dancing. He studied technical dancing, performed it well, and made it his own.
3. Janet’s choreography is more similar to the difficulty in MJ’s—not booty club Tina Turner borrowing Beyonce dancing.
4. And growling, runs, lights, and lasers doesn’t equate to create singing and showmanship.
Beyonce has great pitch and skill with 13-15 years deep in the business, but she’s a queen of imitation. The list is too long for her to be a legend, and make a change monetary and culture-wise like Michael.
Like it or not Chris Brown is the closet thing we will have to MJ, as far as the entertaining. First of all he hasn’t reached his full potential he’s only 22 years old. Beyonce is 28 years old and hasn’t given us anything new in her performances… Chris Brown has proven that he can sing without auto tune and and dance… I wonder how many people who find so much fault in a artist, attempt to sing and dance and not be out of breath…. mixtape making fool…. who’s worth $22 million… I know he ain’t mad, a mixtape song ” Deuces” that has sold over 2 million copies… who’s mad, ” Look At Me Now” on it’s way to selling 3 millions copies… whos’s mad… surely not Breezy!
What is the highest level of education you’ve received because I don’t understand anything you just said…Chris Brown is an average studio singer, who is heavily dependant on auto-tune for his live performances…he is also confused about if he wants to be a singer or a rapper…the only thing he has going for him is his dancing…Beyonce gives you great vocals along with dancing, something Chris can’t do
Why does anyone have to be the second coming of MJ. How come Beyonce just cant be hard working Beyonce and MJ be MJ? I never understood why there needs to be a comparison or a need for a second coming. Everyone has their lane and the space to improve and market that lane. No need to drive in someone else’s
I’m a huge fan of both. I’ve followed MJ’s career for virtually my whole life. And I do see parallelisms with Beyoncé. No, they’re not identical. But compare any modern day pop star to MJ, and she’s the ONLY one who comes even close. They’re both highly energetic and possess great showmanship. They have a great work ethic. And they’re both superior to their contemporaries. (Except for maybe Gaga; I’d say Gaga is the Prince to Bey’s MJ, equal competitors and great in their own way.)
And MJ did take elements of other artists’ work. He wasn’t always 100% original. He would go to magic shows and see certain tricks that he liked, hire whatever magician or illusionist did it, and have him work for his tour, and recreate whatever trick or illusion he saw. I’d say that’s identical to what Bey did at the Billboard Awards. She hired whoever did those graphics and incorporated her style into the routine. I see nothing wrong with that.
“Bad artists copy. Good artists steal.” ~ Pablo Picasso
Also, MJ recycled A LOT of his own material on different tours. He did the same routine to Billie Jean for over 25 years. If the fans enjoy it, artists are gonna do it again.
Lmfaooooo @ jiggly puff #icant
Oh and shes not the 2nd coming. She IS Michael Jackson
That’s his wife, what to you expect? His game is all about controversy = money. No she shouldn’t be compared to MJ. If any female should be….it should be Janet, natural dancer. Beyonce is an entertainer, a great one but no not MJ.
Chris Brown’s idol was MJ although he loves the comparison I’m sure, even he wants to be Chris Brown one of the Greatest Entertainers of all time. Everyone really wants to be known for their own accomplishments. Chris Brown’s is 22 and his work ethic is insane. He writes as Jaki was explaining without pen to paper. Don’t down play his talents.
And even MJ and Beyonce lip synced while dancing….please. She’s just very very good at it. If you are saying Chris can’t sing….listen to his Otis Reading’s cover “Try a little Tenderness”……
While I agree that she is unoriginal, but saying that we are in an age of seen it all done it all. There nothing new under the sun even lady gaga bits off the fashion world( well before she started shopping for outfits at the supermarket). Someone will always have something to say about any artist. But u can’t deny her vocal talent. And she has been carving here own sound since the I am part of I am Sasha fierce. No one can touch her right now, n as long as she keeps putting out good music. Who cares about anything else
Can someone answer this question : what other female artist from this generation besides beyonce can you compare to MJ?
Michael Jackson died 2 years ago. NONE will ever be Michael Jackson again, NONE will ever do what he did and the deluded stans will deal.
I like Beyoncé, she’s a great entertainer but Beyoncé will only be Beyoncé. She’s always been a huge MJ fan and I really doubt she agrees with her husband’s statement.
People should stop comparing legends to these singers, Let’s be real.
@say what
The answer is Janet. She dances like MJ—and I’m talking about difficult choreography that’s diverse. She sings about social issues as well as loves songs, and personal songs. She has moves with the exact same passion, and even has a similar tone.
She has enough presence to prance and pose, and pull out a better performance than all the normal pop divas—small vocals and all. I don’t see any other artist with the same explosive dance intensity outside of Ciara.
There’s so much more to MJ than singing and dancing. Janet has had a lot of style influence—particularly in the 90′s.
she wants so badly to be Michael.
There are PLENTY of male singers who can sing LAPS around Chris Brown…Beyonce can sing Chris into the ground…no one is here for Chris and his adolescent vocals, so sit you’re delusional ass down…only thing Chris is good for is dancing and throwing temper tandrums like the immature little boy that he is
I actually think Lady Gaga is the next MJ. Beyonce is a great performer and I love her but I don’t sense her passion for music… Lady Gaga however produces and writes her own lyrics and songs, is a great performer, can sing well, and can dance. That’s just what I think, but if we are choosing males than it’s Kanye West.
MJ wasn’t just a good singer and dancer… He’s wayyyy than that.
Oh Please! She will never be the second coming MJ. She is great performer and
a talented singer but MJ style and charisma that was his own. As for as male
performers go Chris Brown and Usher are both tied for second to MJ.
it’s clear that beyonce is unoriginal. but people go on about it too much. everyone else out today is not original it’s not just her.. gaga literally copied everything from the 80s, michael jackson, madonna, grace jones, elton john and put them all in one. her fashion, her music, her sound, her performances, everything. even newer artists like gwen stefani, she has copied… but everyone goes on about how she’s a breath of fresh air and so original -___- to me beyonce is the scape goat of this generation’s lack of originality.
I said this generation as in late 90s and 2000s
@Real Talent, no. That’s a no! Because you KNOW they tore Gaga UP when she released BTW. If anything Gaga is always being called a copy cat. So don’t act like Bey’s the victim when Gaga gets lit up just as much as she does.
I love the fact that you insult Beyonce fans , and go out of your way to downplay her impact on pop culture and commercial success , and mention her amazing talent and work ethic as if you were talking about Teairra Mari , but i see her name everyday on this blog or on the facebook page . You clearly don’t like her , and you’re a fan of other female artists that are not regarded as highly as she is by Grammy voters / members of the industry / and public … We’re all allowed to have different opinions , as dellusional as Janet fans sound when they say that she’s a great performer who doesn’t lypsinc , or Mariah fans who say the same and other crazy things that were not accurate in the 90′s much less now … or what remains of Christina’s fans who say that she’s the voice of our generation … or Keri Hilson fans/family members claiming that she’s talented , beautiful , the baddest chick… wait a min , that’s only her saying that …Well anyway you get the point .
@music fan… and gaga deserved it because it BTW is a blatant rip off. aside from that people never call her a complete copycat even though ever since she started that’s all she’s been doing.
Honestly learn your facts because she’s been called a copycat since she came out! Just cuz all you pay attention to is Bey doesn’t mean she’s the only one. I’m tired of people acting like Beyonce is a scapegoat when Gaga gets her ass lit up for anything! Bitch can’t even dress up like a male cuz she gets blamed for copying! I’m sorry but that’s just a no.
Beyonce is a super star in her own right. she sings, and dances and definitely has a presence but the next MJ, HELL NO! and as far as Chris Brown, he is a great artist and entertainer but he has a long way to go also. but people need to stop acting like he hasnt accomplished anything because they dont like him. hell i dont care about Beyonce but I wont deny her talents, STOP DENYING Chris Brown’s
Also Bey deserved it too! Lmfao. She’s inspired but so is Gaga.
the artists of this generation are all unoriginal. all of them. no one has done anything new
look at beyonce you see mj and tina turner.
chris brown= michael and janet
ciara= michael and janet
rihanna= madonna
gaga= madonna, grace jones, gwen stefani, david bowie, elton john, queen etc.
britney (well the old britney)= madonna and janet
usher = michael and janet
@music fan… yes because all of that has already been done. grace jones, david bowie, annie lenox all did the androgyny thing. so gaga dressing up as a male is nothing new. and yes beyonce gets critized a lot. more than others.
@real talent, Okay, well all Beyonce has done is NOTHING new either. They BOTH get called copy cats when all their doing is being inspired, also Beyonce does NOT get criticized more than others. You don’t see Beyonce being called out in the news or all over the internet. You only see it in Urban sites and on Twitter. So please…
ummm chris brown is the best dancer but chris brown is rapping now and going forward with it and when did Mj ever rapped and when did he hit red head ugly bitches
MJ wasn’t original look at James Brown MJ took moves from others
Mariah Carey wasn’t original if it wasn’t Ms. Houston there would be NO MC and if it wasn’t for Ms. Ross there wouldn’t be no Houston
Madonna wasn’t original everyone took something and made it their own
Mariah Carey wasn’t the first to mix pop and Hip Hop TLC done it All MC did was take what TLC, Mary J Blige, SWV and alot of what other R&B hip hop artist were doing and put it in her music. NOTHING is new under the sun
And for you Chris Brown Fans. Chris brown will never go down as one of the Greats or Biggest. 1 he’s to ghetto
MJ was inspired by Jackie Wilson and James Brown, but unlike Beyonce, he gave others credit. Beyonce started to give credit to others after that Ne-Yo Irreplaceable goof, where he exposed writing all the lyrics to that song.
She’s been taking credit for writing and creating ideas since DC—even with lying and saying she chose the sample for Bootylicious and saying she came up with that term. The list of her copy cat goes on and on.
Gaga can get called a Madonna and Grace Jones clone, but she has always attributed them. Beyonce, just like her lying dad, gave herself credit and THIS IS WHY NOBODY TAKES HER SERIOUSLY no matter how much she progresses.
The lyrics of Countdown alone drops her off of Janet’s level. Janet and Michael wrote and sang about love, world issues, personal struggles, and a diverse topic of songs.
Jay-Z needs to bury his ego, and be happy for his wife behind closed doors.
Chris Brown is rapping for FUN. He has said he is NOT pursuing it with a rap album. So get your facts straight.
To be fair to Jay, he said her worth ethic is as strong as Michael Jackson, and that’s probably true. Both are hard workers.
Chris Brown has a really beautiful voice. I’ve heard him sing live, and he’s great. Beyonce has a fantastic, very BIG voice. Both are very talented & can sing & dance well.
Beyonce is a better singer than Chris Brown, but Chris Brosn is a better dancer than Michael.
Michael liked Chris Brown very much. They’ve met a lot, and MJ even sang one of Chris’ songs once to Chris. And MJ praised Chris once over the phone & it aired on ABC.
I see Michael in Beyonce, Chris Brown, Usher, Gaga, Janet Jackson etc. But there is only 1 MJ.
Jay is just proud of Beyonce. Nice husband. Beyonce stans don’t need to insult Chris Brown because they are hurt.
We know he’s a talented singer, dancer, songwriter. And Beyonce oozes talent. Let’s play fair!
Mia, ghetto is code for Nigger right.
Let’s not pretend MJ was innocent. He had serious legal troubles. He was a deeply flawed man.
Ghetto. Please. Having tattoos makes you ghetto? Having a record makes you ghetto.
Last time I checked, tattoos are very common, and plenty of wealthy people have criminal records.
Chris Brown is worth about 22 million dollars. There is nothing ghetto about that. Buying a house for your mother isn’t ghetto. Giving back to charity isn’t ghetto.
Don’t deny his talent. And how far he’s come at 22. We aren’t all saying he’s a legend, but you come off like a racist jerk calling a man you don’t know “ghetto.” Especially when the legendary Michael Jackson is referred to as a pedophile often in the media.
Ugh. Rude!
At the end of the day Beyonce is Beyonce, she has the impact of Michael in the way of, she is the Artist that everyone loves to compare other artist too, she has the most haters, and people trying to expose her for something, every blog you look on she is there not being compared to a lesser but MJ or Mariah, or Ms Houston.(like Michael to James brown, Elvis, or the Beatles) Most people think to deep when someone says Michael Jackson, its not about the dancing or album sales. its about work ethic and the over all package, fan base, career longevity, the ability to entertain audiences all over the world. lets be real Beyonce will be one of those artist who like Michael 20 years from now people will pop in the Beyonce experience or the i am Tour and say i want to perform like that. But she want get any credit for anything until she dies like any great performer. when she passes is when people(like the people on this blog) will look past single ladies and crazy in love to pay attention to the over all artist and what she has done over her career from the first single no no no to whatever her last will be.
Woops! CORRECTION: I meant Chris Brown is a better dancer than Beyonce! Not Michael
Sorry. Don’t need MJ fans to cut me! Lol
That’s not true. Beyonce gives credit. She gave Ne-Yo credit for Irreplaceable before it was even released as a single. Just watch this video:
No argument. When you go to Spain and say you wrote it, then it is a lie?
Nobody on here said anything worth reading but BRI.. i agree 100% Bri… That is all.
MJ didn’t write all his music or Janet
I find it very odd that the video where she said she wrote Irreplaceable is somehow missing on the internet. It was clearly available before.
Ok.. T. I agree w/ you too. *goes back into the shadows*
People love putting labels on people. Get over it and move on.
Beyonce still has a long way to go to be called an icon, as does Chris, Lady gaga (I really hope she fades away actually) and many others.
Let artist grow into themselves. Stop putting them into boxes.
did yall know dat beyonce dont run da world? da only thing she runnin is dat dick she b gettin from her husband and dats why she made dat song
Wonderland so fucking true quit trying to give these people titles let them be them n b great at it b is b mj is mj #theend and they all have time to b great
All you bitches are DELUSIONAL beyonce nor cb is the next mj point blank period why? Because don’t none of them bitches want to change the world THEY WANT A CHEQUE
Jay Z is finally praising his wife publicly and it backfires. She is always the one complimenting and showing how much she loves him.
now there is no other living artist on MJ’s level. none. Jay must be high
I think people are taking Jay-Z’s comments out of context. Listening to him again, I think he was just comparing their work ethic and how they have complete control over the creative aspect of their careers, particularly their shows. He wasn’t saying that she’s just as talented or that she’s making a bigger or just as big of an impact as MJ. He wasn’t even comparing their successes and their overall careers themselves. He was comparing the hard work and dedication that they both put into their performances. And who can deny that Beyoncé works hard on her performances? It shows.
I think most people are reading the headline and misconstruing his comments.
Jay-Z’s comments are blasphemous! I can’t take this seriously. Beyonce is not close to MJ. she hasn’t had an album close to Thriller or even ‘The Bodygurad. People don’t shake and cry and faint when they see her all over the world. There is no mystery to her. MJ wrote his songs by himself for the most part. He had concepts, ideals, yearned for better for the world and others and put himself last.
Beyonce is a robot obsessed with her own status. You never heard MJ state he wanted to be an Icon. He just was!
Wow…and based on that ^^^^ comment, I’ve been proven right. Or maybe my comment flew under the radar.
All I can say is MARIAH CAREY is NEVER on MJ’s level. Her voice is now cracking, she can’t move her body and she gettin fatter all the time.
Stop shading Beyonce, trent! You know Mariah ass is flopping. Stop living in 90s.
Beyonce’s voice is not the greatest, her dance ability is not the best BUT SHE OWN IT ALL!
hell nah i wished people would stop saying that somebody is next .she cant dance michael dance steps other than the 2 or 3 steps from 3 singers that he got from michael was original.his videos the way he dressed was all him .the world grew up watching him every since he was 11.there will never be another michael or janet .no one come close to dancing their style and if anyone does their steps like beyonce she jump up into a stand then lean her head to the side.janet has been doing that for over 20 years beyonce has been doing that off and on since she jacked janet vma performanceif you watch beyonce videos or performances and she does someone signature believe me she going to do some steps where you are going to know what video or concert she copied from beyonce is not original she steals people music ,fashions, poses,she remix people music in her videos she use 2or3 different artist their wardrobe jack the videos janet and michael king and queen of pop and their both icons and legends.and they both done more in giving back to kids and other different causes not beyonce thats why she has all that money.all beyonce does is shake her booty pad open her legs and even copy 60 year old videos and is known as the biggest copy in the business and you can look that on bite off the best if you gonna copy
and and jay-z said beyonce is a hard worker she is nowhere near a harder worker than michael.she copies there is no hard work in copying other people lay it out when she dont have any ideals on her own she takes credit ro other people work
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[...] sparked a heated debate this weekend when he compared Beyonce to Michael Jackson. However, instead of trying to avoid any such controversy, Beyonce [...]