Hot Pics: Christina Aguilera Introduces ‘Royal Desire’ In Germany

Christina Aguilera traveled to Munich, Germany to present her ‘Royal Desire’ fragrance at the Upside East Lounge today. The singer is currently recording a possible comeback album which will hit stores later this year.

Look below for more images:

Photo by Hannes Magerstaedt/Getty Images

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  • King Jim
    13 Jul 2011 | Permalink |


    13 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Why is TinaSouthAfrica? Her fave is looking real piggly!

  • 13 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    OKAAAAAAY while i do admit Christina could do herself a favour and hit the treadmill it’s kind of lame when people are judging THE VOICE of her generation by how they look, i’d rather have Christina fat (which she isn’t) and putting out amazing music than if she was a skinny bitch putting out generic trash like Gaga or Katy Perry…

  • TinaSouthAfrica
    13 Jul 2011 | Permalink |


    Hate her or love her. Talk Shit about her voice all you want but if you called the voice of the generation my respected people in music and many people in the music industry is legendary!

    She is 1 of the best artists of all time! SInger, vocalist, Song Writer, Actress, 5 time Grammy
    Winner, Golden Globe Nominee

    She has Number 1 Singles, Number 1 Albums & Top 10s successfull for a decade straight!

    She will be back better than ever with her 5 stripped esq album!


    Youngest singer to be on rolling stones best singers of all time

  • TinaSouthAfrica
    13 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    At Bey wins! I would’ve said something bad about someone you stan 4 but since its Beyonce I won’t coz I love B. But sit yo ass down and leave fat ass miss Piggy alone! She’s coming back and she will be my Xtina that we all know once again.

  • Bri
    13 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    @ThatBoyLuke Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t a good percentage of Bionic similar to this “generic trash” you speak of? It sounded pretty similar to the same electro-pop madness you hear on the radio everyday. So she isn’t perfect.
    Amazing music is Stripped and Back to Basics.

  • TinaSouthAfrica
    13 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I’m only reading my comments now! So many typo’s euw! Sorry.

  • BeyBoy
    14 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    These Xtina fans are crazy. Just accept that her time is passed. I will support her when she sings ballads instead of that pop nonsense.

  • Oceanfire
    14 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I used to love her. 10 years ago.

    14 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    @TinaSouthAfrica tell your girl to loose about 50 kilos

  • TinaSouthAfrica
    14 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Bitches! Ya’ll will see! No album out this year and she’s already made 4 mill for just sitting in a chair tuesday nights just sitting and coaching. While you here sitting and critizing her weight. Her sitting in a chair made more money than Loud album & Katy’s album. Drops mic and walks of stage!

    LEGENDTIN fat? Well so is her paycheck so stay pressed.

  • Entertainer
    14 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    She looks weird though! I hope she puts out good music when she returns and cuts out that excessive riffing that she thinks gives her Black Street Soul cred!~

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