Hot Pics: Eve Eyes Comeback In New Promo Pics

Judging by these new promo pics, it seems that Eve has finally gotten serious about releasing her long delayed ‘Lip Lock’ album. The rapper has been promising to issue the LP since 2007 but none of her claims have come to fruition.

As noted this earlier this week while discussing the current state of Trina’s career, Eve has simply gotten lazy. Whether it is because of her ventures in the field of fashion and television or because of her label change to EMI, Eve appeared completely nonchalant about the prospect of making a return to music during the last 3 years.

Hopefully, Eve has found the same motivation that she had when she released records like ‘Who’s That Girl’ and ‘Love is Blind’ because there is a void in Hip-Hop that needs to be filled by a serious female MC like herself. If not then she should just beat that tired tambourine around Ice Cube’s barbershop and argue with Michael Ealy about drinking her apple juice.

What do you think of the pics?


  • 25 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    Hope she brings that fire!
    ** **

  • heather
    25 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    I hope she’s working on a new album. There is a huge void in hip hop and Nicki herself cannot fill it. I like Nicki but I don’t take her seriously. I have always respected Eve. She didn’t come with gimmicks just hot music and Love Is Blind may be my favorite song by her. It dealt with a serious social issue. She is a boss I love her and it would be awesome if her and Gwen hooked back up.

  • plain & simple
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    Bye Nicki welcome back Eve .Now we will get that hard core rapping like the good old old days.

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