Hot Pics: Guess Who!

Guess who performed a concert in Barcelona, Spain yesterday! Hint: her last studio album was entitled ‘Discipline’!

It’s Janet Jackson!

Photos by WireImage

What do you think of the pics?


  • JJ
    13 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I knew it was her! I miss the short hair though

  • RihBaby
    13 Jul 2011 | Permalink |


  • K.H.
    13 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    HEY TRENT! Not trynna sound mean or nothing like that but you go a small typo. You forgot the L in last so it says “her ast studio…” just making sure you see that. Again, not trynna be funny

  • Stoney-Brie
    13 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    @RihBaby = anonymous

    end of.

  • Shay_da_bess
    13 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    she looks so fresh! gotta love her!

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