New Video: J. Cole – ‘Work Out’

J. Cole’s ‘Work Out’ video has hit the unexpectedly hit the airwaves ahead of schedule. Directed by Jake Davis, the visual supports the official first single from his highly anticipated debut album, ‘Cole World: The Sideline Story’.

Watch the clip below:

[Video removed by request]

J. Cole obviously took the 50 Cent ‘In Da Club’ route with a simple party production. However, with mounting criticism that he has become too commercial, this video certainly won’t help his cause with his detractors. Still, he needs to have a mainstream hit if he wishes for his album to crack the charts and this visual does the trick.

Now J. Cole’s team needs to step up the promotional push by finding new marketing ploys. The Rihanna fanbase might not quite understand his brand of Hip-Hop and random online interviews are not enough.


  • MechanicalPenguin
    13 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    J. Cole is the future….you’re right he HAS to make a single to push to radio. And this is a good song for that….Can’t wait until Sept. 27th. People say “hip hop is dead”….I say listen to J.Cole. NC!

  • MechanicalPenguin
    13 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    With that said…The video isn’t great. But I’m hear for J.Cole’s storytelling more than his visuals lol.

  • RihBaby
    13 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I saw him on QUEEN RIHANNA’S tour! I like him!

  • MechanicalPenguin
    13 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Okay last comment but I am not illiterate or unintelligent, I totally meant here not “hear”…..smh

  • Mac
    13 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I adore the song but i think the video could have been more dance focused-the beat makes u wanna get down, and hes telling the girl to dance throughout the whole thing so there should have been a cool routine for it. Personally I think the video was ‘just okay’. But the song is great and that’s what is gonna get played on radio and in clubs so its all good.

  • 13 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    just a regular 106 in park video… nothing ground breaking looks like wshh paid for it

  • 13 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    WTF!? the video has been removed!!!!!
    i dont think he has gone commercial, if he had he would be collaborating with any & every one out there.
    i haven’t seen the video(since it’s been removed, smh) but what else can he do for a visual for this track without copying. Kanye did a video for this song & David Banner had a similar workout visual for his song Play. i will admit it is safe, but I LOVE ME SOME J COLE HE CAN DO NO WRONG IN MY EYES.

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