Jason Derulo Mimes On ‘T4′

Jason Derulo finally listened to his critics and decided to lip-sync instead of choking on his lyrics while dancing and singing live. Not Chris Brown hit the stage on T4 on the Beach in the UK today to perform his #1 song, ‘Don’t Wanna Go Home’, and mimed for his life.

Peep his performance below:



  • Jeff
    10 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    He could actually dance though…

  • Orion
    10 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    @Jeff exactly and I think he is just as good as Chris. The stans won’t admit it but that’s a fact

  • RihBaby
    10 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    At least he could get a hit! Unlike floptastic Chris Brown!

  • Money
    10 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Really? Just as well as Chris? REALLY?

    Ch. I definitely don’t see it.

  • eRok
    10 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    ok he’s gay right?

  • mumilyn
    10 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    He danced well and chris brown can’t sing either. chris brown’s studio voice is not good at all.

  • Angiegirl100
    10 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Chris can’t sing either? Jason is just ass good as Chris Brown? Floptastic?

    I’m glad I don’t know you guys personally. I’m sure you are all nice people, but I’m confident you are either blind or deaf.

    Btw, CB is the second highest male singer in the UK this year – the country Jason just performed in. Only behind Bruno Mars. He’s very successful. Rihanna fans need to stop lying to themselves.

    Call me when Jason Derulo sells albums. I heard he is going onto acting. Good luck!

  • Shorty1103
    10 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Where da hell did all these Section 8 DeRunNothin fans come from… Plz return to your projects ASAP!!!

    And what kills me about this performance is he’s holdin on to the headmic as if its on & we’re supposed to believe he’s actually singin, Ch…..*cackles* DeGaylo cant even compete wit NeYosha & OLDsher on the dancefloor, so dont ever compare him to Christus “Moonwalk on yo Face” Brown!!
    *Tips Snapback hat* *Walks out First United Church of Trent*

  • WonderLand19
    10 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    @Angiegirl100, PREACH!

    He annoys me.
    Chris, PLEASSSSE come to the UK and show how it is done. Iam so glad Brezzy has songs played in the UK now because i would loose my mind if all i hear is ‘JASON DERUUUULOOOOOOOO!’

  • Jake
    11 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    They really believed in their hearts, the media, Ryan Seacrest, Preze Hilton etc, that this out of breath dude was going to replace Chris Brown. Jason better make up his mind to either sing or dance because its obvious that he can’t do both of them at same time.

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