New Song: Jason Derulo – ‘That’s My Shhh’

Jason Derulo tried his best to be sexy with this new song entitled ‘That’s My Shhh’. The record will be included on his upcoming ‘Future History’ LP, due for release on September 27th.

Listen to the song below:

Obviously, when Derulo said that this is his “sh*t” he was being serious because this song sounds like it has been stuck under someone’s toilet seat for quite some time. He always sounds as though he is trying too hard and this song is yet another example of why he will never find a spot on my iTunes.

What about you Hottie? Do you like this song?


  • 26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    my Goodness! why did i press play?!

  • Jess
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    Just like you said Trent he really tries to hard! He’s never going to be taken seriously until he starts being more original! First thing he should do is stop with the MJ poses

  • ForeverAFan
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |


  • 26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |


  • WonderLand19
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    First Mj, then Chris brown, now TREY SONGZ!! This has Trey songz all over it. Sounds like a left off song from ‘Ready’. He is a try hard.
    He needs to find his OWN idenity. Stop Swagger Jacking, its annoying. I think he feels he can get the urban audience with this but NO!

  • uh huh
    27 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    How is he so glossy in the face but no make up to cover his spots or photoshop in the budget? But they have time to air brush his hairline……Oh wait he sings? I thought he was a struggling “Sporting Waves” model

  • Oh Please
    27 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    He just needa demo this for Trey….that is all

  • c
    27 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    Dear Mr. Derulo please cease and desist

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