JLS Perform ‘She Makes Me Wanna’ On ‘Daybreak’

The boys of JLS recently visited ‘Daybreak’ to perform their latest single, ‘She Makes Me Wanna’. The quartet dared to sing live for the number, giving the audience a rare chance to hear them without a backtrack.

See the JLS in action below:

That was actually a good performance. Although their voices have a striking similarity to the Spice Girls, they still sounded a lot better than they have in the past. Good effort.



  • BeyBoy
    28 Jul 2011 | Permalink |


  • The Boy
    28 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    They sound pretty good live. I guess they’ve listened to criticism of them miming and learning to sing with each other.

  • 29 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    i love you jb from jls

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