Music Minute!

Did you know that Kanye West has won 14 Grammy Awards throughout his career?

The Hip-Hop visionary has been honored at the ceremony 14 times with his most popular category being Best Rap Song where he has thus far received 4 trophies. West also nabbed the Best R&B Song title in 2005 for his contributions to Alicia Keys’ ‘You Don’t Know My Name’.

Now you know!


  • RihBaby
    2 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    Some of these Grammys came from his work with QUEEN RIHANNA! He is NOTHING without her!

  • Gdboyratedloud
    2 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    Omg I seriously had no idea he had that many! Go kanye!!!!!!!!!

  • Mariah's "Dreamlover"
    2 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    @Rihbaby Did u just say KANYE WEST is nothing without Rihanna??? BAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH. Rihbaby you are truely delusional and ignorant. We all know Rihanna would be nothing without Kanye, Ne-Yo, The Dream, & the countless others who wirte & produce for her because she can’t write or produce a hit song to save her life. Now back to the topic I had no idea he had so many but im not shocked because he is a genius at what he does.

  • Cher Lloyd Stan
    3 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    All of them are well deserved. He has never released a bad album, all are master peices.

  • wayno
    4 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    OMG….thanks GOD NARAS…has limited the # of catorgories that artist like KANYE, JAY Z AND BEYONCE will be nominated in ….IT IS SO RIDICOLOUS TO SEE:
    EMINEM w/ 13–BUT ALL IN RAP since 1999
    KANYE WEST w/ 14 GRAMMYS in a 9 year career
    BEYONCE w/ 16 GRAMMYS in since 2000 ( and she benefited from : Stevie Wonder, Luther Vandross and Jay Z -collaborations are no longer allowed in specific catorgories)

    ARETHA has 19 Grammys in 40+ years….this is crazy that Beyonce could win Grammys in Rap ….NO MORE….THANK you NARAS

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