Hot Pics: Katy Perry Debuts Pink Hairstyle

Katy Perry seems to have a different hairstyle for each of her #1 hits. The ‘Firework’ singer has once again changed the colour of her locks, this time going from blonde to bright pink.

Peep more images of Perry in Los Angeles below:

Props to Punchbowl Blog for the shots!

What do you think of the pics?


  • RihBaby
    2 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    I like Katy but stop copying QUEEN RIHANNA bitch!

  • Katy4ever
    2 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    STFU BITCH! @rihbaby rihanna wishes she was katy perry. And she’s gonna hit d records books for the most #1 in an album soon. #Winning

  • Imma Throw SHADE (No Kim Stan)
    2 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    Ugh I despise stans……

  • Ugh
    3 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    you know music is fucked when an artist changes their hair colour and it becomes news…smfh

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