Just like the music on the album, the sales of Kelly Rowland’s ‘Here I Am’ are far from impressive. Missing the top spot by a considerable margin, the record has given her lowest first week sales of her career to date.
‘Here I Am’ has sold a mere 76k in the past week and is set to enter the Billboard 200 at #3. Rowland’s previous weakest seller, ‘Simply Deep’, debuted on the chart at #12 in 2002 but still managed to outperform ‘Here I Am’ by well over 1k units. Even Rowland’s last effort, ‘Ms. Kelly’, sold 86k copies in its first week in 2007.
So who is to blame for her poor sales this time? Mathew Knowles? Beyonce? Her label? Global warming? Clearly, Rowland needs to step her game up or else she will have to rename this era ‘There I Was’.
Change the name of this site to Shady Lizard .. now!! Global Warming?? LMAOOOOO swear Trent you are a trip indeed.
Here I Flop
She is nooooo Britney who can do promo first week only and get by….. O wait….. Ms Spears is flopping as well….
I honestly don’t think 76K is that bad considering her promo and marketing was late AS FUCK and Motivation was only a major hit in the urban communities, it didn’t crossover into the Pop or international markets at all. However, I still expecting numbers around 100K-120K due to the fact that Motivation was such a huge hit, possibly the biggest Urban single of the year next to Look at Me Now. I am pretty sure Lay It on Me will increase her sales because that song has more crossover appeal than Motivation and she’s starting to promote the album now, so in time, her sales will increase. I hope she chooses her singles right. After Lay It on Me, it should be Feeling Me Right Now, All of the Night, Down for Whatever, I’m Dat Chick and finally Keep It Between Us
WHY are people surprised? She did shitty because she made shitty music and had shitty promotion
To enter the charts at #3, isn’t that bad at all. I mean, “third time’s a charm!”
well done.it more than some.
I’m proud of Kelly. I wouldn’t say that it bombed at all. Hell, at least it’s not 37k and debuting at #44…. umm yeah. And what REALLY gets me is the shade that was thrown and then an advertisement for the album on iTunes… LMAO! I can’t!!
Actually Ms. Kelly sold 86,000 first week…someone – an unregistered user – mysteriously altered the wikipedia page to 83,000…….
Anyway, these first week sales are decent, A) with sales as they are, B) for her only having one top 20 hit from the album and only one single officially released and C) WITH SO LITTLE PROMO!!!
I have a feeling Lay It On Me will crack the top 15 though
Are people surprised that Kelly Rowland’s album didn’t do that wel? I’m not. Her lack of proper promo, the lack of another single, and her lack if hits on the album, should have been dead giveaways that the album wasn’t going anywhere Instead of ‘Here I Am’, people clearly read ‘Leave Me Here’, because that is exactly what they did. I hope Destiny’s Child does a reuniojn tour and albu, for Kelly’s sake, or that girl will have to call it day. I would say she could go to acting, but we ALL know how ‘The Seat Filler’ and ‘Freddy vs. Jason’ went.
BLAME HER!!! WHERE WAS SHE!!!! She was nowhere to be seen! lip-syncing every performance, little publicity! it was hers and her teams fault!
Do NOT compare sales and chart rankings over time. It tells you nothing. You can never really do it because the environment, circumstance, and the way sales are tracked and recorded shift over time.
Rule number one of good comparison is to compare like things. Here you are comparing apples and oranges. Sales are down across the board so it says absolutely nothing to say that she posted her lowest sales ever.
Well not surprised. The person who suggested her singles, I think was right. I think she’ll probably have a hit w/ liom, possibly even crossover and maybe even with some other songs, however ppl probably still won’t be interested in actually purchasing the album. She may have set herself up as a singles artist..well at least an urban singles artist …oh and she’s abt to be out in the uk doing xfactor, smh that’s gonna hold back promotion even more, I think that had a lot to do with why she lacked promo earlier on too.
her label put a large amount of money into the first three singles commander, rcg, and forever and a day,(only one made the album) so i dont think her budget allowed her to promote as much.motivation did well on the R&B charts, but thats due mostly to heavy urban Radio play, not digital downloads. I hope she can put some of her own money from the x factor show into her album to help push it out.
LMAO @ global warming.
well what do you expect with a shitty promotion. i don’t feel sorry for her.
When she appears on XFactor her numbers are going to get better. i lost interest in her and Ciara a while ago. I want them to succeed because they are underdogs though
Well it could have been worse…*shrugs*
umm no…I don’t see how her appearing on X-Factor UK will affect her US album sales
I’m sorry but Trent you are no better than the people at Bossip or Sandra Rose. The negativity that you possess on this blog is discouraging. It’s pathetic to see the lengths some bloggers go to garner hits. This is the exact reason as to why you will never been on the level of other bloggers such as Necole Bitchie, Angel, and Natasha. You simply try to garner hits by sparking controversy. It’s obvious that you are not seasoned and have a long way to go!
As I said Kelly want to flop. Kelly is scared too be successful. I wonder who is number 1? Adele or Amy ?
Here I Am did not bomb. You don’t know what the expectations were for the label. You need to take into consideration the amount of money the label put into the project thus far which you DON’T know. Considering she only has one single out, and only performed it twice, hasn’t done much press, the amount of money put into this record thus far (which probably was slim to none because the producers (Rico Love, Darkchild, etc. mainly did Kelly a favor), this album is far from a flop. On the other hand, The Lava Lizard sucks big time. It’s viewers don’t touch the amount That Grape Juice has and never will. As a matter of fact, you just lost one.
How was there no promo?
I saw the damn album commercial everytime on vh1, mtv,bet.
Jay leno
Bet awards
Every big time celebrity tweeted about her album
Every website had a Kelly Rowland banner and still do.
#1 rnb song.
Knock it off with she didn’t get no promo.
In my opinion she had the most momentum ever in her career prior to this album release and she flopped again.
This numbers are very bad. If people critiq her like they critic beyonce, her sales would be better. Everybody is trying to baby her. Lying to her she’s an underdog.
I don’t think X factor would help her.
dang this is a harsh post. kinda rubbed me the wrong way considering she has an ad on this page. smh.
what is bombing sales these days anyway
i agree with JORDAN– u gonna advertise her cd and throw SHADE… how can her cd bomb with 1 week of sales. She is not expected to sell 100-200k units in one week like Beyonce on rep along. I think u should stop hatin . You throw no love her way when she’s damn near #1 on the r/b chart for 3 months. Kelly ‘s peep need to unlove you with her ad and just give u her ass to kiss
Here’s tacky ass trent and his shade. The album didn’t bomb you dragqueen it’s only been out for SEVEN DAYS WITH ONE OFFICIAL SINGLE!!!!! You are so tacky….tacky trent. That’s your new name.
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