Sales Predictions: Kelly Rowland To Hit Career Low With ‘Here I Am’

Kelly Rowland’s refusal to properly promote her ‘Here I Am’ album is going to cost her dearly. In fact, the record is expected to debut with the lowest first week sales of her career.

‘Here I Am’ is projected to enter the Billboard 200 next week with sales of 70-75k. These figures not only ensure that Rowland will once again miss her chance at the top spot but they also represent a 11k drop from the opening sales of her previous release, ‘Ms. Kelly’, which debuted with 86k in 2007 and 2k less than her 2002 solo debut, ‘Simply Deep’.

Thus far, the album’s first single, ‘Motivation (Ft. Lil Wayne)’, has peaked at #19 on the Billboard Hot 100. Somebody better motivate Rowland to get onstage and sing. Preferably live.



  • BeyBoy
    27 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I knew she was going to flop.

  • 27 Jul 2011 | Permalink |


    27 Jul 2011 | Permalink |


  • Hailey
    27 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Babe No one sells albums too well anymore.Yes the album sales went higher this year but that’s only cause of Adele and no one else is Adele.You’d say Lady Gaga too,but she was not only at the peak of her career but also at the top of the pop world,so she started off well but she too cant sell anymore.Bey and Britney both had the lowest first week sales of their career this year,Kelly is just no exception.

  • 27 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    There is no way Kelly can expect this album to be a hit if she didn’t even promote “Motivation” and it shot to #1 on the R&B charts. I’m not sure what planet these artists live on when they fail to promote their work like this. I just watched a USA Today interview with Adele from February ahead of the release of ’21′. THAT IS PROMOTION!!

  • 27 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    CHILD PLEASE!! Queen Creole debuted with HUNDREDS of thousands less copies first week. What made y’all think her back up singers were immune?

    It’s STILL better than the 37,000 Ciara did first week. And poor CiCi invested WAYYY more into when her album came out. #imjustsaying

    Kelly is unbothered over in Europe sipping slurpees and judgin’ other hoes for NOT being able to sing live.

    Lets just move THE f*** on.

  • Elena
    27 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I see.The only people who still sell some albums(except Adele) are Beyonce,Lady Gaga,Taylor Swift and maybe even Britney.Rest are all flopping.I sense that soon there will be a time when the concept of albums will just disappear and we’ll have only singles cuz thats what sells now

  • queen mimi
    27 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    those predictions are pretty high she’ll be lucky if she can sell 45-50k. honestly.

  • 27 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    SMH, I’m really not surprised… I don’t understand why Kelly and/or her camp thought she would do good numbers solely off the success of one single. On top of that, her album has been getting terrible reviews. I love Kelly but I don’t wanna waste my money.

    I feel bad, but she needs to step it up.

  • pam watson
    27 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I expected a response from you since you started writing for I am going to buy 10 more copies and encourage others to do so just to prove your ass wrong. and when she exceeds your prediction your ass will be one of the first on her jock. wish the girl the best and stop being negative to boost your readership. Pam Watson

  • Angela
    27 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Who cares,her album is generic crap worse than Kesha’s level..the person above me pam watson is psychotic.whoa you have that much money to waste?but you still have no life..your 10 copies will only make it 75010 child

  • King B
    27 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Why are people shocked by this? Her album is shit, her promo is shit. The album flopped like it was supposed to

  • Americanboi
    27 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Are yall shocked? B/c I’m not. She didn’t even outsell Keri Hilson. Hang it up girl. Its a wrap.

  • African prince
    27 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Man I don’t know I feel that she too fucked up in the end with lack of promo at the end like it’s too little too late and my question is why???? Did she rely on one performance to get her to number one? As Trent said hype dont mean shit look at all the views that Jlo and Pitbull song have on YouTube and she still couldn’t even sell 100k???

    27 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Too sad, I was really pulling for her :( I’m really upset about this.

  • Mariah's "Dreamlover"
    27 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    “I don’t know her…” BAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  • AyeBritt_
    27 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    @Pam well buy your 10 copies, that’ll take her to 75,010 lmao. I like kelly but her heading overseas to be on Xfactor was just STUPID. You finally have a hit single and u just gon pop up at the BET awards and expect ppl to run to bestbuy? NO. Funny people were saying “this year is Kellys year and shes going to do better than Beyonce” Where she at? Where she at? *DC voice*

    I only bought three songs from this album. Don’t plan on buying anymore or purchasing the entire albim

  • 27 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    “your 10 copies will only make it 75010 child”


  • 27 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    FIrst – the album is awful

    Second – she can’t promote anything if the label budget isn’t big enough. My sense is that the label expected Commander and Rose Colored Glasses and other pop drivel she released last year to blow big like that Guetta song that everyone who doesn’t live in America loves. When it didn’t, she quickly became a non-priority for the label who proceeded to let her record pedestrian ass third-rate Keri Hilson knock-offs and then put it out all quietly in the summer with zero promotion.

    This entire project has been mismanaged from jump. Anyone with an ounce of knowledge about music would have told Kelly and her label that she was not the defining feature of Love Takes Over that made it a worldwide hit. The entire world (minus the U.S.) loves dance pop. So the entire world was primed for a song like that. Her vocals, while good, are negligible – put any other powerful singer on that song and it still would have been a hit.

    The label should have known that.

    The label should have put her with the cream of the crop producers instead of knob-turning Casio no-talents. Why did the Salaam Remi track not make the final tracklisting? Why is the Ne-Yo song, which is one of his least impressive joints in a while, a bonus track?

    Everyone talks about how they love Kelly Rowland, but then why aren’t they working on her albums? Why is she left to work with these losers who just write and produce derivative songs?

    Because the industry doesn’t believe Kelly Rowland can succeed, doesn’t believe anyone is checking for her? And what the industry fails to understand is that they only make that belief a reality by treating her like a generic ass chick instead of giving her the best producers, the best songwriters, and the best promotional slots in magazines, tv and radio.

  • MzGoodBadGirl
    27 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I knew it, as i always say kelly is scared to promote her own stuff but she’s always bigging up that other chick. kelly is damn fool and she deserves to flop, and flop hard. instead of the other chick coming out with ehr cd first, kelly cd shouldve been out. kelly WILL NEVER BE S SUCCESSFUL SOLO ARTIST.

  • Chris J
    27 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    are we even surprised?? lol

  • Ugh
    28 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Why da fuck don’t ppl get whoever is on Rihanna’s team to do their promotion? I mean, they invest so much into Rihanna and the real talented ones always finish last.

  • V
    28 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Well it was expected, everybody is having pretty much the lowest sales of their careers right now, ppl aren’t buying albums like before! I’m surprised the sales are so close to her last album, though, you would expect them to be much lower, unless ppl REALLY weren’t checking for her back then

  • bidibidibom
    28 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I don’t understand what is so “talented ” about kelly rowland? Can sumone break it down? She got sum decent songs overall in her catalogue but that’s it ,her voice isn’t all that,she can’t really dance good and she’s not much of a producer.

  • icant
    28 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    aint nobody really buying music in this day in age anyway sooo idc. Let’s just be happy for the damn girl & fuck the negative bullshit.

  • Kimberly
    28 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I LOVE THIS KELLY ROWLAND CD!!!!!!! GO COP. They should have released this early summer. Definitely a summer anthem album ladies.

  • Entertainer
    28 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Who goes on 106& park and not perform! I hope kelly can get her promo together and I don’t blame her for not turning down $1mil for UK X-Factor. She was lucky to get that gig and smart to take it. She probably will make more from X factor than even if she would have sold 500k cds.

  • Oh Whatever
    28 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Yassssssss @Tigger500 betta PREACH THE GOSPEL!

  • Laurie
    1 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    I love Kelly but she didn’t do anything to prevent this. Motivation came out in april or march every since she only did 2 TV performances of this song. Now Lay it on me is the 2nd single we know that for almost a month now and still no video and apparently she’s not in a rush for doing it as I’ve watched an interview of her she said she’s busy with her X factor thing in the UK. No TV interviews the view, jimmy fallon, today show, mario lopez something Kelly damn it someting. I hope she’s gonna wake up for the coming weeks otherwise Here I Am will be officially consider as a flop as much as I love Kelly but it’s the truth

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