Hot Pics: Lady GaGa Tours NYC In Her Underwear


Was Lady GaGa singing about herself in the song ‘Government Hooker’? Well, judging by these images of the controversial performer in New York City yesterday, that seems to be the case.

GaGa has been busy promoting her ‘Born This Way’ Lp around the globe and one of her recent outfits incorporating a wheelchair at a performance in Australia caused her to be egged by patrons of the show. More pictures can be seen below:

Shots via Punchbowl Blog!

What do you think of the pics?


  • Stacey
    18 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    It’s a little complicated to judge a person like her.She’s who she is.Hot,but in the most uncoventional and confusing manner.

  • The Boy With The Tattoo
    18 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    She bores me now.

  • PaulaMusicandMe
    18 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Doing Bette Midler now? She should look for dead icons to copy, people still remember Bette’s routines.

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