Lady GaGa Rocks ‘So You Think You Can Dance’

Lady GaGa returned to ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ just moments ago. The superstar performed her hit ‘The Edge of Glory’ as well as her new single, ‘You & I’, showing the contestants who she mentored just one day ago how it’s done.

Look below for the performance:

Thanks to Neon Limelight for the footage!



  • RihBaby
    29 Jul 2011 | Permalink |


  • Annie
    29 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I love the song You and I. But I will never understand the choreography. Is this supposed to be good? I miss Michael Jackson, Janet………even young Britney.

    thank god we stil have Usher and Chris Brown.

  • X
    29 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Ugh, Marry the Night >. Her choreography is so awkward, and basic btw.

  • Entertainer
    29 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Damn, Gaga still promoting! will she see 2mil by year end?

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