New Song: Mary J. Blige – ’25/8′

Mary J. Blige teamed up with producer Eric Hudson for this new single called ’25/8′.  The track is the latest release from her upcoming ‘My Life II: The Journey Continues’, which is set to debut in October.

Listen to the song below:

This is a solid effort by Blige. The layered background vocals enriched the drum-driven production and gave an interesting twist to the 1970s R&B sound of the record.

However, the tone of Blige’s voice has once again proven to be her own worst enemy. She sounded constricted and for the most part, quite unpleasant. Indeed, the rich tone of her younger years has dramatically changed and the live arrangement of her recent material does nothing to hide that fact.

Still, Blige plays a key role in reviving the R&B movement. I rather hear her choking on her high notes than listen to more mindless Dance/Pop beats and auto-tune.


  • The Boy With The Tattoos
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    I don’t know why but I like it. Her voice is sorta husky and sorta raspy here. Maybe I need to hear it a few more times to her what you hear.

  • C
    27 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    It sounds like it would be a hit, but it sounds like she used pitch correction or something, shes a artist that needs to be raw and pure thats what made Mary, Mary she didn’t care about her notes being perfect she just sung with conviction

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