Melania Fiona Shines At Global Fusion Festival

If Melania Fiona’s label won’t give her the promotion that she deserves then she will do it herself. The singer rocked the stage at the Global Fusion Festival this weekend, delivering near pitch-perfect performances of ‘Give It To Me Right’ and a cover of Lauryn Hill’s version of ‘Killing Me Softly’.

Fiona even sang a new song, entitled ‘This Time’, from her upcoming ‘The MF Life’ LP. Watch her showing below:

‘Give It To Me Right’

‘Killing Me Softly’

‘This Time’

Thanks to Singersroom for the footage!


One Comment

  • Angel
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I love this girl. She gives me serious Alicia Keys tease and I love it

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