Monica To Release New Album This Fall

It looks like 2011 will be continue to be one of the busiest years for Urban music. In addition to the extensive list of acts who have been releasing new material in the past few months, Monica has revealed that she will drop a new album in the fall.

Despite initially planning to release the record in the summer, the R&B singer has chosen to put forward her ‘New Life’ LP on the tentative date of October 4th. Expect contributions from Monica’s longtime collaborators Polow Da Don, Missy Elliott and Oak.



  • TinaSouthAfrica
    24 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    I will always love her!

  • joy
    24 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    the boy is mine is my favorite album of hers… i hope she can make something similar this go round

  • B. Haze
    24 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    Always hype to hear new Mo!

  • YellowCakeMix
    24 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    I’m looking forward to her new album. She’s been consistent yet growing since 95. Gotta love her true talent…. looking forward to hearing what Missy’s gonna put down to. Havent heard from her in a while….

  • Misty Jean
    24 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    If she’s collabing with Missy, then it’s going to be HOT!

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