Hot Pics: Rihanna Appreciates Art In Italy

Rihanna has always been enthusiastic about various artforms, such singing and dance (…), and last night she demonstrated her appreciation for paintings as well. The Pop sensation strolled through Portofino with her friends as she admired the local Italian culture.

See more images below:

Props to The YBF for the pics!

What do you think of the pics?


  • Ghost Town
    25 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    This chick is so ugly to me.
    She looks like a sea horse. The only thing appealing about her is her eyes.

    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    Rihanna’s eyes are light brown but she wears green contacts. Also her nose is hugh just like her forehead

  • dance
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    If you take a real good look at her eyes she look drunk and Melissa is looking at her strange while she trying to hold on to one of them for support. Red blood shot eyes. This chick has a drinking problem

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