Instead of focusing on creating an album of her own, Teairra Mari has covered yet another artist’s material. This time she put forward a cover of Janet Jackson’s classic ‘Come Back To Me’.
Listen to the song below:
Unsurprisingly, Mari handled this song quite well. There is no doubt that she is a talented singer and that she has a lot to offer. However, thus far, she has proven to be nothing more than a mixtape artist.
With R&B music slowly regaining momentum on the charts, Mari should capitalise on this movement and get a full studio album in stores or at least a buzz single on the charts soon. Covering Janet, Drake and Soulja Boy songs would have been cute in 2005 but this is 2011.
One flop covering another flop’s song. NEXT!
LOL @ the above comment
SHE IS REALLY UNDERRATED! I really thought she should have left the song alone but she killed this!!! She needs to release a album and stop messing around!! We need R&B back!
Rihbaby go sit on a herpes dick and spin.
that singing goat Rihanna that you Stan for will never be on Janets level. She will sing,dance,out sell,and break more records than that talentless whore could ever do in ten lifetimes. Now go run in traffic asshole.
This song too over produced for my taste… I like the original better
Oh yeah nice try by Teairra but her voice sounds flat and holds no emotion on this’s like she is just saying the words but not conveying the feeling of those words. That’s way Janet is an Amazing singer fuck what you heard but that woman can emote the hell out of her song and make you feel every word like she ment it. Janets vocals in “Come back to me” can’t be duplicated but it was a nice try
Teairra Mari has a beautiful voice, but I’ll stick to the original. Covering other people’s songs is getting dry. I want her to come out with something original. If you have the time and effort to cover someone else’s song, you HAVE the time to make an original song. If you’re in the studio to record, record a hit track of your own to push YOUR brand. Covering someone else’s song is giving them more attention than you (I don’t know how else to say it).
You flops mad????????? QUEEN RIHANNA got you PRESSED???? Where is Janet? Performing in school gyms? FLOP!
Yawn, Leave it to Janet. BitBITCH
I think Teirra is a decent singer but this is not a good remake….
@ the first comment…….WOW.
That’s all imma say.
Janets a Legend, that’s all imma say!
JAnet All day, that smooth pleasant voice. Her version i s wasy much betta
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