Today is truly Miguel day as the singer celebrates the release of his new album, ‘Kaleidoscope Dream’. Capping off the festivities, was the premiere of a visually engaging video for one of his fans’ favourite songs of the LP, ‘Do You…’.
Earlier today, Miguel made a guest appearance on ‘The Breakfast Club’ where he described what exactly separates him from other R&B artists. Quite simply, he refuses to be lazy and each new effort that he puts forward is aimed to inspire the next generation of performers. Does the ‘Do You…’ video fit that bill? Watch it below:
‘Do You…’ is one of the few songs from ‘Kaleidoscope Dream’ that doesn’t keep my attention but the visuals in this video were very intriguing, to say the least. Yes, several of the scenes were typically sexual, but the editing and the video effects were great additions.