If you had any doubts regarding Ariana Grande’s blatant theft of Mariah Carey’s signature sound then you need to hear her new song, “Baby I”. Released just moments ago as the official followup to her hit single, “The Way (Ft. Mac Miller)”, the tune is such a ripoff of Carey’s work that it borders on insulting.
“Baby I” will appear on Grande’s debut album, now retitled as Yours, Truly, which is due to arrive on September 3rd. However, the song is anything but new as it features the exact arrangement of many of Carey’s cuts that appeared on her Rainbow, Charmbracelet and E=MC2 albums.
Of course, you’re probably thinking that I’m blinded by a veil of lamb wool so instead of trusting my word, listen to Grande’s “Baby I” below:
“Baby I” is a perfect example of the imitation and lack of innovation currently preventing the progression of music that we discussed last week. Yes, Grande is a new artist who isn’t heavily involved in the creative process but that is no excuse for stealing another artist’s entire sonic identity and presenting it as her own.
The staccato-style deliver of the lyrics, key changes, harmonies, melodies, vocal arrangement and layered whistles in “Baby I” all scream “written and recorded by Mariah Carey.” There is no doubt that it is a good song but it rests right on the edge of plagiarism. If only there was a law governing this so that Carey could sue.
“Did somebody say plagiarism?”