Hot Pic: Ashanti Teams Up With Lil Wayne

When in doubt call Lil Wayne. Ashanti shared this photo of herself and the Hip-Hop heavyweight in studio last evening.

The former chart contender is currently working on a new album which will hit stores later this year. If Weezy could revive Kelly Rowland’s career in the US then anything is possible.

What do you think of the pic?


  • jemmie thomas
    6 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    trent i dont like your damn shade at kelly…u need to freakin cut it out cse its not cool….lilwayne didnt revive kelly rowlands career..u are a awfull,sad person…

  • I Love MC & MJ
    6 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Wanye looks soooo DEAD!!!!! what is he 100 years old lol

  • A
    6 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Lil’ Wayne cant save everybody!!!! In fact Im sick of seeing him…. Ashanti is a little too late. This wont do anything but make her look desperate. I dont want to hear or see Ashanti anytime soon. no shade, but she’s not even a good vocalist.

  • I Love MC & MJ
    6 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    @ A she not a vocalist by any means… she should stick to song writing

  • sha485
    6 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I hope she didn’t get pregnant. Oop.

    *sips lemonade*

  • tfhgvrt
    6 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    i love u wayne trdgvrtdhrt ashtani hey you was making em hits where u at girl?

  • BeyBoy
    6 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I don’t know why you guys are mad at Trent. He spoke the truth. Kelly didn’t have a hit in 10 years until she worked with Wayne so……….

  • Nelz
    6 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Haters, Haters, Haters, Ashanti is a good vocalist F what you heard! Cant wait for her to be back, however I wish she was using Drake and not lil Wayne

  • theman
    7 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    She has improved as a singer. Ashanti’s cool. She just needs the right songs, and great music. Hopefully she can cook something up great with Lil Wayne because she really does need it.

  • Misty Jean
    8 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Eww, look at him, lol.

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