Hot Pics: Beyonce Covers UK Sunday Times

Beyonce doesn’t just want be the Queen; she also wants to be King! The rising icon is featured on the cover of UK’s The Sunday Times, making her intentions for world domination clear.

More images of the spread are available below:

Photos via Def Pen Radio.

What do you think of the pics?


  • Shay_da_bess
    26 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    Am i the only getting tired of her face on every mag cover?? urghh
    her promotion sux, she she should be on ellen, wendy, monique (now oprah’s gone) letterman, and more..

  • 26 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    she looks gorgeous! i’d love to see her do more tv appearances but i love seeing all these photoshoots, too :) and to shay_da_bess: if her promo sucked she wouldn’t be #1 in 11 countries already. Beyonce knows what she’s doing, don’t worry about it.

  • TinaSouthAfrica
    26 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    Christina Aguilera is #1 on itunes usa and #1 on the world chart. Moves Like Jagger. B your comeback is almost weeker than Bionic but so far it is since RTWG never charted higher than X-NMT

  • Ugh
    26 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    You think Beyonce should go on Wendy (yuck) & Monique to promote her album??? We’re talking about Beyonce here. You need to sit.

  • Nena
    26 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    She looks beautiful! SN: @ TinaSouthAfrica, it’s Maroon 5′s single, christina is just a feature. It’s ok to be mad because her last album and singles, went saran wrap.

  • TinaSouthAfrica
    26 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    @Nena! #Girlbye! Bionic & 4 = flops!

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