LeToya Willing To Reunite With Destiny’s Child

Fans of the the original Destiny’s Child may have reason to celebrate in the near future. One of the group’s early members, LeToya, has revealed that she is willing to reunite with her former bandmates.

Along with LaTavia Roberson, LeToya was kicked out left Destiny’s Child in 2000 following a dispute with the group’s manager, Mathew Knowles, who she accused of giving preferential treatment to his daughter and the quartet’s lead singer, Beyonce. Since then she has maintained a friendship with Kelly Rowland and even developed a relationship with her replacement new member Michelle Williams.

During her acceptance speech for the Millenium Award at the Billboard Music Awards, Beyonce thanked LeToya and LaTavia for their contribution to her massive success as a solo artist. However, unlike the thankful LeToya, LaTavia is reportedly planning to release a book about the struggles she endured as a member of the group.


It will be exciting to see the original members of Destiny’s Child reunite, even if the move is just for a tour. Most of them have experienced immense growth as solo artists and will bring fresh perspectives to the dynamics of the group.

However, with Mathew Knowles still at the helm and Beyonce obviously being the biggest star, it will be tricky to negotiate their roles. Furthermore, whether LaTavia will return or if Williams will replace her, has not been determined.

There is still no word regarding if Farrah Franklin will rejoin the group. Wait…did we ever get to hear her sing?

What do you think Beyonce?



  • ugh
    26 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    I love a Dc reunion sans Michelle.

  • Deezy
    26 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    I would actually like to see them go on tour & be on some Dream Girls shit
    & send Michelle to the back & let Letoya and Latavia come out lol

  • michel
    26 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    letoya never “left” destinys child. she got kicked out. I woudnt mind a DC5 reunion (original DC4+ Michelle) but absolutely NO FARRAH!

  • lala
    26 Jun 2011 | Permalink |


  • latin86
    26 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    Dayum beyonce looks evil in dat gif lmao

  • Harry
    26 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    Well all know Beyonce’s flop ass needs this. She can’t even get a hit anymore. HAS BEEN.

  • Ms. Nia Imani
    26 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    i’d like a reunion w/ every1 except farrah she was in DC for a hot minute then bounced!

  • Phard
    26 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    That gif, Beyonce is like why the hell is Kelly talking for the group lmao.

  • 26 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    OMG It would be amazing!

    Could you imagine the harmonies with Bey, Kelly, Michelle, LeToya AND LaTavia???? OMFG yaaaaassss!

    I am holding onto my seat just thinking about it

    Y’all better sit with that Michelle shade. She upstaged Bey and Kelly on “Through With Love” both studio and live performances. Girl can saaaaaaaaaaang ok.

    27 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    i love letoya!! i still bump lady love!! as far as a reunion goes…. i say yes!!!! give the fans a reunion tour!

  • Ann
    28 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    LeToya needs to come out with another album!!

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