Mathew Knowles Slams Beyonce’s Team For Failure Of ’4′ Album

Let the games begin! Since being accused of stealing money from his daughter Beyonce, Mathew Knowles has been quite outspoken regarding his innocence and has now addressed another issue of equal importance – the failure of her ’4′ album to produce any hit singles.

The music mogul spoke to the Associated Press about the situation and was very blunt about her new management’s inability to handle her career. Read what Knowles had to say below:

 ”They put out the record in a vacuum,” he said, adding that her success came despite setbacks.

“It makes you believe that there are some artists that don’t need radio. There are some records that don’t need a record label, and Beyonce is one of those artists,” he said.

While Knowles had only positive things to say about his daughter, he acknowledged when asked that he they have not spoken since she let him go.

Knowles filed papers in a Texas court this week alleging that members of Beyonce’s camp, which he says includes her label, Columbia Records, Live Nation and her superstar husband Jay-Z’s Roc Nation, have made “negative comments about me.”

“We absolutely have not taken any money from Beyonce, and all dollars will be accounted for,” he told The Associated Press in an interview Thursday afternoon. “In no way have we stole money. Again, this about the people who have made these claims — they have to come into the light.”

On Thursday, Knowles said he had no problem with his daughter.

“The relationship with Beyonce is extremely amicable. I want to make that clear. Where there’s concern is the people that she’s doing business with,” he said. “I’m challenging all of these folks on integrity, professional integrity.”

Knowles said he does not believe the allegations that he stole money from her are the reason why he was fired, and said his daughter completely cleaned house: “She changed almost every aspect of her business.”

But he painted a picture of a concerted effort to oust him from the helm of her career.

“The team ironically appeared to be a cross-pollination of Beyonce’s team, Roc Nation’s team, and Live Nation’s team, who ironically have the most to gain,” he said.

When asked if there was a deliberate plan to take him out of the equation, he said: “I’ll let people come to their own conclusion.”

Knowles said he has not spoken to his daughter specifically about the allegations, but at one point told her: “The only way we will be able to understand this is through a court of law. That’s the only way either one of us will be clear if someone in our camps did something that was not correct.”

Read more via the AP.

Janet girl you better pass those chips!



  • Americanboi
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Poor Beyonce. This has to be difficult.

  • Shay_da_bess
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    lmaoooooooooooo Janet kilt it!!! omg

  • Adam
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Lmaooo trent i think she’s eating a piece of orange not a chip

  • Stoney-Brie
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    lmao DEAD!!! i can’t with Miss Jackson!

  • Jasmine
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    LMAO @ the GIF! smh this is getting interesting

    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |


  • AyeBritt_
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    lmfaoooo at that Gif! Im done with trent til 2morro

  • bidibidibom
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Hahahahaha the GIFS always are on point!

    And the beyonce drama is good promotion ,hey when there’s no hits gossip will keep u in the news!

  • 15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Janet is actually eating Orange slices.
    but this is getting pretty messy. the story of him dipping into the cookie jar must be true if he’s going out of his way to sue the people around Beyonce. Beyonce reportedly did an audit & showed that he did steal, so why not just drop it. I think he’s just bitter that the people “around” Beyonce snitched on him, which prompted him being fired.

  • Kate
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    What does mattew mean when he said this??? Please someone answer?

    “Knowles said he does not believe the allegations that he stole money from her are the reason why he was fired, and said his daughter completely cleaned house: “She changed almost every aspect of her business.””

  • Angiegirl100
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    @kate it means she fired everybody basically.

    Mathew is right. She is successfull on name and talent alone. None of her singles are smash singles for this new cd. And maybe she is okay withthat. It seemed to work….

    But I’m not jumping to indict him of any crime. He hasn’t been charged and he helped her get where she is. He’s a great managar in terms of success.

  • fatu sankoh
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    beyonce i love you all i will do is pray for you you are good hearted persion may good fix every thing for you be with right people proteict you all the time long happy life ever lasting long happy married more success with all your business god bless you and your family for life

  • 15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    This is getting messy indeed.

  • TheTeaIsGood
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Ooooo I cant live with that GIF!! lmao

  • lys
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    The Devil is liar. God as beyoncé back !

  • saditty
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Maybe it’s just me…but something in the milk ain’t clean…Why would Matthew steal from his daughter and go to such lengths to jeopardize their relationship even more – as if cheating on Tina and having a kid with another woman wasn’t enough?

    Matthew has been known to be shady but really what da hell does he have to gain from all this? I just hope she’s made the right decision as far as business goes cuz suddenly Jay, Roc Nation AND Live Nation are all up in her shit thicker than before

  • KingAquarius
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I don’t understand why people can’t leave well enough alone.

  • 15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    lmaooo @ the janet gifff

  • 15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Whatever he has done, you know had he still been managing Bey, everyone of the songs she released this era (including 1+1) would have found their way into every top 10 (top 20 in the very least) in every territory around the world.

  • Entertainer
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Messy indeed but not really surprised. When you build an empire partially based on swaggerjacking and taking credit for things that you didn’t fully create, wat dey say, **cue Plies** ‘you swaggerjacking’!

    I must admit this is getting juicy and I know Matthew is secretly lol that her cd is’t gonna do half of what Sasha Fierce did in the US

  • The Boy With The Tattoo
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Matthew stikes me as the kind of person who will not give props unless he’s involved with the success.

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