New Song: Tiffany Evans – ’1+1 (Little Lady Remix)’ (Snippet)

Tiffany Evans is back with another installment of Tiffany Tuesdays. This time the singer has put her own spin on Beyonce’s ’1+1′ with her signature Little Lady Remix.

Evans is set to release her highly anticipated EP in August. Listen to the snippet of the cover below:

As I’ve said many times before, the magnitude of Evans’ voice and her skills are beyond impressive. She handled this composition with ease and even found a way to include the vocal stylings of one of her other inspirations, Brandy, with her vocal runs.

Now, about that new album…


  • Omg
    12 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Love Tiff… But let’s be real, her new set of teeth are TOO big for her mouth. We need a teeth reduction on ailse 1 please…

  • RihBaby
    12 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    isn’t this the flop who tried to attack QUEEN RIHANNA???? Where have you been FLOP? RIH is WINNING and you are LOSING by covering another FLOP’S songs LOL!!!

  • 12 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    a 1+1 i can actually relate too… yes GOD!!! I approve her ministry

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