New Video: Beyonce – ’1+1′

After being delayed from its initial release date, the video for Beyonce’s ’1+1′ has premiered. The song was produced by The-Dream and Tricky Stewart, and serves as a promotional single from her slow-selling ’4′ album.

Watch the visual below:

Beyonce definitely delivered with this video. Artistic and sensual without being overtly sexual, the visual brought the lyrics of the song to life and she looked passionate without seeming forced.

Perhaps the best facet of the production was that Beyonce made the most of an obviously small budget. She capitalised on clever editing and lighting instead of reverting to the recession disasters of ‘Video Phone’ or ‘Ego’. Well done!


  • Rihbaby
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    I’m crying right now why does Beyoncé always steal the spotlight from Rihanna, this is payback cause rih was going to release cheers today, im shaking, why does this always happen.

  • Nellyv85
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    Oh shut up and go have a drink with RiRi.

  • Pokemon Trainer(Sinnoh)
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    Yay!!! :D Good Video, B! Mi Likey ^_^

  • 26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    @RihBaby have a _/ No one gives a damn about that piece of shit song!

  • WonderLand19
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    I dont like it. Way too sensual for me. The crying, the weave, the bodies together, her steamy skin………wasnt my cup of tea. The video was very 80′s inspired but it left me uncomfortable. I love her album thou but i think she killed this song for me. I would have preferred something along the lines of her single cover.

  • Rihbaby
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    I am the real Rihbaby trent! i’m really upset because cheers was going to be released today and now all the world will be talking about Beyoncé’s promotional single and this is rihanna’s 5th single. The navy are really going in now.

    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    IF YOUR FAVE IS SO AMAZING YOU WOULDN’T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT B RELEASING HER VID ON THE SAME DAY, since Rihanna would knock her out the park riiiiiiiiiiiiight? *side eye* yet again, the Navy stays losing.
    ANYWAY can I just say that the weave in this video was EVERYTHING. WEAVE SEX!!! AND IT WAS SPECTACULAR BOY!!!!
    p.s. uhm I still want the Party video to drop SOON

  • ty
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    BeFUCKINGoncé! Lawwwwd

  • shesolokey
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    Beyonce could release a video of her taking a s**t on the toilet and her stans would call it epic. What happened to videos which actually mirror the song? This video could have been sooooo much better with an actual story line. Her being greasy while rocking a stringy lace front is not gonna cut it.

  • LurkerGDon
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    looks like one of her parfume commercials. it’s okay.

  • jiji
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    lol@ Rihbaby! haha RiRi will always be in Bey’s shadow. This video is smokin’!!! Literally! love the IV tattoo!

  • Maverick
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    Queen Be

  • lia
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |


  • Ugh
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    Dayum, hot hot hot!!!!! the video fit the song perfectly. why should her hair be done up when she’s obviously about to make love?.. i swear young ppl get dumber by the day.

  • TerryTorro
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    @WonderLand19, Sensuality makes you uncomfortable aye….what a glorious life you live…anywho, I guess Beyonce is showing Kelly the proper way of showing your tiddays!

  • plain & simple
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    Hot!!!! Beyonce is something else. This video is done in very good taste and not overly sexual. Great video

  • 26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |


  • Ghost Town
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |


    How about U make a video taking a shit and see if ur fans love it….

  • Ajanni
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |


  • uh huh
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    BORING!!! This whole 4 concept is like an “ode to the Camel”.

    I dont care how many side babies Matty Ice has please get over it and hire him back.

    You are better than this B!!!

    Beyonce fan who is unimpressed & waiting for 5

  • Black-child
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    Can people just buy this poor girls album so that she doesnt have to resort to such mediocre tactics. Shame i feel for the girl beyonce was back in her I AM… days. Not touch nor am i moved.just uphould

  • lostluv224
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    I LOVE Bey! and i always ride for her, but the video was just ok. And i was so hype lol!! hopefully Party is ridiculous :)

  • lostluv224
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    & I totally agree- she needs Matthew back. He knows whats best for her, there is no denying that

  • tiffany
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    this video was a greasy mess . she needed herself and two other people to direct this ish.She is going back to that last album she did with the cheap ass videos for every song on the albuld have bem smh .The video should have been called Beyonce “1+1″ ft. Lacefront

  • lore
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    and they said Kellys rowland Rose coloured Glasses was cheap n wack….i dont like this video, hope party will be better

  • whynotaskwhy1980
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    This video is painfully uncomfortable because she isn’t SEXY…whatever her and her geriatric animal looking husband do in the comfort of their own barn is their business….this is awful…….it isn’t sexy….Baby Boy was sexy…..Crazy in Love was sexy…sexy left Ms. Knowles after the B-day album!

  • T
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    I hope people realize this is not her single it’s just a bonus visual for the song. but the video is nice and simple. the editing is what really sticks out. it would have been better if she had a story line to match like in (if i was a boy) or some sort of smooth choreography during the break down. but over all its a nice visual. I know some people are about to be on youtube with baby oil and glitter trying to redo

  • Oh Please
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    Well yes. She couldna do betta than this? Stueps….leh we wait fuh countdown eh.

  • Americanboi
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    It looks like she did this video while on set of her Complex photoshoot. LOL! Whatever Beyonce. i wasn’t looking forward to this video anyway and this is why.

  • WonderLand19
    27 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    @TerryTorro, This was OVERLY sensual to the point of her trying too hard. Aaliyah was sensual without resulting to things like this. This isn’t a good video.
    P.S. She needs to stop Swagger Jacking other peoples ideas. She took this from French film director Henri-Georges Clouzot’s ‘L’enfer’. I love beyonce but she needs to be honest. She has worked too closely with her father, that now she is starting to be shady like him.

  • Bri
    27 Aug 2011 | Permalink |


    Yeah, ’cause you totally knew who Henri-Georges Clouzot was before this video. You totally knew 30 seconds into this video that Bey ripped him off.
    The clips are nothing alike. Some camera angles are similar but the editing is dramatically different and the concepts are nothing alike.

  • Bri
    27 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    And who’s to say that Beyonce isn’t a fan of this director? Scissor Sisters did a video last year that was inspired by the same filmmaker. Are they “swagger jackers” too?

  • Teebee
    27 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    B can do no wrong. Sorry Ri fans, take

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