New Song: Chris Brown – ‘Real Hip-Hop Sh*t #4 (Ft. Kevin McCall)’

Chris Brown is tired of trying to meet other people’s expectations. At least that is what he says in his latest rap release, ‘Real Hip-Hop Sh*t #4 (Ft. Kevin McCall)’, where he says “f*ck walking on eggshells” to his detractors.

Give the track a listen below:


  • WonderLand19
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I REALLY like this. I hope he releases this on a mixtape. Yes YES, it gives me that cali/old school vibe. The beat is silly and His FLOW is CRazy. Love it! :) Lyric wise, its one of my favs from a mixtape his done.

    Each day getting better, slaying your fav!

  • boonella34
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    It’s okay. I dont like the use of the N word….but for the most part its an okay song.

  • RihBaby
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Why is Trent always post about this wife beater?? He is SHIT! Promote QUEEN RIHANNA instead and you WILL GET MORE HITS!

  • Jasmine
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Why is there a rihanna stan in a Breezy post? #questionsthatneedanswers! lmao anyway! I love this track and Im not big on Breezy rapping! Its about time he live up to his own expectations! I know as an artist you have to please people but sometimes you have to blaze a trail for your own sake and sanity! GO BREEZY GO!

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