Christina Aguilera To Release New Album Next Year

Fans hoping to get a new Christina Aguilera album in 2011 are going to be sorely disappointed. Despite renewed popularity from her stint on ‘The Voice’, the struggling singer isn’t set to release new material until 2012.

Aguilera revealed to RTL that the record will not hit stores until spring or summer of next year. She confirmed that it will be an “introspective” album that will reflect the many personal and professional problems that she endured since the horrible showing of her ‘Bionic’ album in 2010.


Clearly Aguilera has weighed the cost of releasing a new LP this year while many of her chart competitors are active. With Beyonce, Britney Spears, Adele and her nemesis Lady GaGa all promoting their current albums, there is frankly no room for her to forge a comeback, especially following the disastrous performance of her last project.

Moreover, since ‘The Voice’ is on break and will not return until winter of 2011, Aguilera will lack the added push that the show will definitely provide her next project. Regardless, I am eager to hear what she has to offer on this album. As long as she is not pumping her child-bearing crotch on my screen or wailing like a burn victim then I will be pleased.



  • De-boss
    14 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    It is wise for Christina to release an album next year, not only because of the fierce competition right now but it will give her more time to focus on quality and not quantity.

  • Gdboyratedloud
    14 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Good for music doe… Next year we’ll see Xtina Justin Timberlake and Madonna. Probably Katy Perry too. My girl Rih is releasing her EP later this year so I’m predicting no full album until early 2013

  • bidibidibom
    14 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Eh I’m sure the world can do without another katy perry & rihanna album let’s have sum time to breathe

  • Shay_da_bess
    14 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Beautiful, i think she has: what we call a sexy face..

  • TinaSouthAfrica
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I’ll looking forward to it! She’s a good writer & when she gets into that deep dark place great music comes out of it! That’s what setted her apart from everyone when she released stripped! Her versatality and all that!

  • TinaSouthAfrica
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I hope she does a castle walls part 2 with T.I on the rap verse if he will be out of jail by then!

  • 15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    BOOM! YASS! that gives her time for the 2nd series of “The Voice” and to lose a lil weight, so excited for this album :D
    Honestly “Bionic” wasn’t as bad as everyone made out and if she’d promoted it internationally it’ would have sold a lot better, looka t “4″ it’s singles mostly flopped but Beyonce is floggin the hell out of the promo.

    And lol Trent shh, Xtina is the QUEEN. #StayMad ;D

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