New Song: Tiffany Evans – ‘I’m On One (Remix) (Ft. Drake, Rick Ross & Lil Wayne)’

Tiffany Evans continues her Tiffany Tuesdays special with her Little Lady Remix of DJ Khaled’s new single, ‘I’m On One’. Mixing her vocals with those of Drake, Rick Ross and Lil Wayne, the mini diva continues to head further into Urban territory.

Listen to Evan’s remix of ‘Im On One’ below:

As I’ve said before, if there is anybody with the potential to pick up where Aaliyah left off then it’s Evans. Her smooth tone and controlled vocals have worked on every song that she has attempted this far and unlike most of her peers, she doesn’t get lost in the production.

Hopefully, Evans’ album will have more tracks like this. Until then I’ll sway to the beat alongside Janet.


  • 28 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    I’m just glad u rate Miss Tiffany Evans! She my homie!

  • 28 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    This gives me Ciara … maybe Tiff will pick up where CiCi left off??

  • 28 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    She sounds great i need more music like this from her

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