Hot Pics: Fantasia Reunites With Antwaun Cook

Your eyes aren’t deceiving you. Fantasia and Antwaun Cook have reunited. The duo were spotted in sharing a romantic vacation in Barbados today, following the singer’s performance at a sold out show in the country last weekend.

The couple’s relationship caused media scandal last year after Cook’s wife accused Fantasia of knowingly ruining their marriage. The pressure of the events caused Fantasia to attempt suicide and she later to confessed in open court to aborting Cook’s child.

Peep more images below:

Photos via The YBF.

What do you think of the pics?


  • Tracie
    28 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    Fanny needs a personal trainer like NOW!! Hot mess!

  • 28 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    This wouldn’t be the first time that Fantasia was publicly seen creeping around with Antwaun. Soon thereafter her “personal incident” had occurred, blogs all over were posting pictures of ‘Tasia and ‘Twaun together, frolicking around the country. She tried to keep her romantic love affair a secret, but the dirty laundry has been aired out for cleaning. Though I don’t think it’s a good thing to cling on to someone who nearly drove you mad, Fantasia’s heart wants what it wants. And apparently, she loves him. So, what can you do?

  • Ranity
    28 Jun 2011 | Permalink |


  • 28 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    Fanny, Fanny, Fanny… I wish you were pregnant looking like that but I know it’s just fat :( but anywoo… Clearly Tasia ain’t shit when it comes to making personal decisions for her own emotional welfare or that of her child… In any event I hope this “relationship” just inspires really good R&B MUSIC & some HITS because she is desperatelyin need of them. Her voice is truly anointed but she refuses to live “right”, but I understand… He is All Fine N Shit

  • Britty
    28 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    im sooo disappointed fantasia -____-

    and btw that weight is NOT cute

  • MuzikJunkie
    28 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    Fantasia I LOVE you but you need to get it for real (in my Tamar voice)!

  • BEE
    29 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    Antwaun who?

    Let’s talk about FANTASIA…. and it’s not even just the weight!!

  • audrey_j
    29 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    Look at’em, isn’t love amazing ? I am amazed right now. He must love her! I realize that when I think of Fanny, I can’t even remember 1 title although I think there are a few songs of hers that I liked (oh maybe that’s cause I keep playin “FOUR” in ma headphawnz lol)… When I think of ‘TASIA, only jokes come to my mind and it’s sad cause she could be such a BIG THING ! (uh oh..) I mean she could SHINE so bright! lmao I ‘m out… Have fun Fanny, have yourself a big healthy baby !

  • RealMusic
    29 Jun 2011 | Permalink |


  • Valarie
    7 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    One thing about it.. you have to live your own life. Once everyone realize that the better the world would be…..Good luck and may God bless you.

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