Hot Pics: Guess Who!

Guess who celebrated her birthday at TAO Nightclub in Las Vegas last evening! Hint: just read the name written on the cake!

Look below for the answer:

It’s Nicole Scherzinger!

Photos by Denise Truscello/WireImage

What do you think of the pics?


  • Queen Rihanna
    26 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    I don’t know her but I bet she’s more successful than Beyonce.

  • 26 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    @ the first comment:


    Anyway, i wanna go there for my birthday cause they always have the best fuckin cakes. lol

  • entertainer
    26 Jun 2011 | Permalink |

    I wonder if her case takes as good as it looks creatively!

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