Preview: Kelly Rowland’s ‘Here I Am’ (Deluxe Edition)

Kelly Rowland’s team has chosen an interesting route to promote her ‘Here I Am’ album. Instead of having her do actual ‘live’ performances or even releasing her second single, ‘Lay It On Me (Ft. Big Sean)’, they have chosen to release more snippets of the album.

In fact, consumers might be fooled into thinking that the LP is titled ‘The X-Factor’ because Rowland has been making several public appearances to promote that show and not her album. Regardless, the preview of the ‘Here I Am’ deluxe edition is available below:

Click here to preview ‘Here I Am’ (Deluxe Edition)’



  • BeyBoy
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    This album sounds good but I doubt anyone cares

  • RihBabe
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Just another FLOp.

  • 7777
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Well no one can blame Mathew Knowles if this album flops. She need to get promoting. Anyway, Good luck to her.

  • Misty Jean
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    @ 7777
    There’s a reason why Kelly is huge in the UK and Europe, and not in her home turf. Thank Mathew and “King B.” Please read this article, quite sad.

  • andy
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    she cant expect to sell without promo, she is not Beyonce.

  • AyeBritt_
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Heaven & Earth sounds so GOOD!!!! I dont think she will sell much

  • AyeBritt_
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I personally feel there are too many features, But I guess when you’re trying to reach ALL people you put in everyone …I only like Motivation, Feelin Me Right Now and Heaven & Earth. Looks like I wont be buying the album, just 2 songs.

  • Ny
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    She won’t sell much and it will be because of her lack of promo. I’m a fan and she is doing a good job on x-factor but her album should be her number one priority right now.

  • jamie
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    A bunch of haters….typical

  • Shes_solokey
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    My point exactly! I’m a fan of Kelly, but she can only blame herself when this album flops. I feel she finally has the opportunity and is not taking advantage of it! Her only performance of motivation was on the dreadful BET awards. Now we can finally stop blaming others for her lacking of success. Her team needs to get their priorities together asap!

  • AyeBritt_
    20 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    @Jamie Just because people dont like the music doesnt make them haters. Your feeling are hurt, I understand. You cant listen to that album and actually say its a great album….then again maybe you can because you’re a fan. The only way to get true feedback is to get it from un-biased people. Im not a Kelly fan nor am I a hater. I listened to the snippets and from what I heard I wont be buying the album, Just two songs.

    I have better things to do then hate on Kelly Rowland

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