Lady GaGa Claims Artists Use Piracy As An “Excuse” Not To Be Creative

Lady GaGa is clearly living in her own world. During an interview with Bernard Zuel of Fairfax Media, the Pop superstar criticised her fellow artists for not being creative and claimed the idea that piracy has caused the decline of the industry is just an “excuse”.

See what GaGa had to say below:

It is very easy for GaGa to make such statements when her ‘Born This Way’ album has sold over 3.5 millin copies worldwide in 7 weeks. However, unlike most other artists, she has enjoyed substantial support from her label which conducted a massive promotion campaign to ensure that the record would be a success.

If GaGa’s music truly “speaks to our generation” then why did it experience a record-breaking 84% decline in sales to 174k in its second week after opening with 1.108 million copies? The answer is simply a reflection of the fact that most of her media promotion ended during the week that the album was released.

Moreover, GaGa obviously disregards the struggles that other genres of music are experiencing. For example, with R&B artists such as Jennifer Hudson and even her “close” friend Beyonce currently encountering problems with their latest releases despite producing solid material, the issue is clearly not just about creativity.

Maybe GaGa expects everybody to jump on the Pop music bandwagon and be creative enough to add Dance synths to old Madonna tracks like she has been doing. Otherwise, arrogance has simply clouded her perspective.



  • politicallyincorrect
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    She is somewhat right.
    1- Jennifer Hudsons album is not great so
    2- I thought Beyonces album was doing well, she just moved away from the bootyshaking a little so some fans tuned out.
    3- Radio, even RnB radio has given up on new RnB. They play mostly old songs
    4- lack of great songwriters and producers

  • mina
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    LMAO ” add Dance synths to old Madonna track”

  • 16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Lmao you tell em xtina. Gaga pls if you were flopping the first thing you would be the first blaming the leaks etc anyway Label support is very vey important

  • AyeBritt_
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Im sorry, But she’s right.

    You have to create music that people like if you want to be successful. Young people nowadays are more into pop. If an artist like Jennifer Hudson wants 2 be successful she has to take risks with her music. Its just the way it is. I dont think she was being arrogant at all. Instead of blaming piracy on your album not selling, go in and create some sh*t that’ll make people want to buy your record. BE CREATIVE!

  • mina
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    True no one in the music industry stands out that much and no one seams to be pushing the boundaries anymore…. i think gaga has a point maybe the reason why there’s a decline in the industry is because everyone is boring and does something that’s all ready been done

  • AyeBritt_
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    oh & R&B was in decline long before GaGa appeared. R&B artists turned their backs on R&B before us album buying fans did. Just look back at all the artist who now are doing pop albums. They weren’t always doing pop…

  • H3avensent08
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Trent you are so right. Can’t no one disagree with this post at all!!!! I love this blog!!

  • 16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I’m sorry but she had no right to say that, I love GaGa but she was out of line. Just because everybody doesnt go galloping around in space eggs and meat dresses doesn’t mean they are not creative, Beyonce’s last album was a HIGH step up from what she has been doing, Adele LEAKS creativity, R. Kelly isn’t quite my cup of coffee but he still went all out on his latest album. She really should stop the madness and quit being disrespectful.

  • Princess Rihanna
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    See all the artists need to do something new like lady gaga, Katy Perry and Rihanna are doing. Rihanna’s been creative and pushing boundaries and that’s why she is selling and has 10 #1s. All the other artist like beyonce, Jennifer Hudson, keri Hilson etc should try something new like riri

  • mina
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    @princess rihanna

    Rihanna pushing boundaries? Since when?

    The only thing she’s pushing is that hairline

  • Rihbaby
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Piracy is just damn stupid if i didn’t exist rihanna would have sold around 200 million albums, Rihanna has been ruleing the game for a very long time, Gaga is nothing, Rihanna is the Queen of pop, pushing boundries, its hard being an iconic figure!

  • Bey'Knight
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I believe in Gaga’s artistry unfortunately part of it is a fad She’s so transparent; promoting in every niche of the world,deliberately courting controversy, oh and best of all hyping all thats Gaga- videos, songs, album,voice.

    If everyone thrived on “creativity” then there would be no Gaga. Some people just let the music speak. Variety is the spice of life

  • WonderLand19
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Trent, This post was ON.POINT!

    She has FULL label backing. Others artists such as Ciara and K.Michelle dont.
    What she calls ‘Being creative’ is actually producing gimmicks to sell records.
    I dare her to produce an ‘ORIGNAL’ album with no gimmicks and lets see how she sells.
    I hope the world wakes up to this gimmick. Shes had it good this far HOWEVER every artist goes through their flop period and gaga wont escape that.

  • Guest
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Trent, she’s actually right! Deal with it!

  • MuzikJunkie!
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I agree with @WonderLand19! She’s just a gimmick and she does all these crazy and stupid things for attention. If she didn’t have all these gimmicks she would not be selling like she is selling now! #HaveASeat

  • Ariana
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Dead @ that gif! Tell’em Aguilera!!! :D

    I like Gaga but she was clearly being arrogant, I agree with what you wrote Trent. I wonder what she’s going to say when she stopped selling as massively as she did with BTW. Will she wonder if she’s not being “creative” anymore? She’ll eat up her words.

  • latin86
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Beyonce isnt considering any problems mr smarty pants shes selling good for not having a hit song dont u think? i am not even a big Beyonce fan but i can see that !SMH

  • latin86
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Encountering not considering :D

  • Jamie
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Nothing GaGa is doing is original or creative so whatever. When this dance craze is over, she’ll get the picture, and we’ll see how “creative” she’ll be then because R&B is on it’s way back, and we most definitely won’t support her weird ass.

  • QueenGaga
    17 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Trent your really a bipolar one aren’t you, werent you the one praising Gaga when you were watching her inside the outside mtv documentary saying things like “its nice to know there are still real artist in the music industry” wow delusional mush!!!, Lady Gaga came to the music industry and changed the game, shes a real artist and i totally agree with everything shes saying, The reason she has substantial support from her label is because shes the one of the only artist worth promoting DUH!! everyone else is garbage. The reason the other genres aren’t doing so well is because nothing being released is good enough to cross over. Jennifer Hudson’s music is so bland shes obviously not a born musician like Gaga, Neither is Beyonce. Beyonce is an entertainer she relies on ghostwriters and producers to make her music shes not as creative. The only one we can rely on right now to change the music industry is Mariah Carey, word is that shes releasing an old school album…

  • C
    17 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    It is an excuse though, If you put out bullshit I’m not going to buy it, if I feel the music is worth it I will buy it, otherwise Hello Google

  • Misty Jean
    17 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I agree with Gaga that people need to stop using piracy as an excuse to not be creative, however Lady Gaga isn’t very creative herself. Her music isn’t groundbreaking, she’s just following the euro/dance-pop trend. Dance music never lasts long in America (think Disco and Techno). In a few years, Gaga, Rihanna, Katy Perry, Ke$ha and the rest will be gone. I can’t wait for that.

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