Rihanna Says Her Look Is More Genuine Than Lady GaGa

Rihanna may not know much about singing, dancing, performing live, songwriting, engaging an audience or staying on key but she does understand fashion. In a recent interview with We Love Pop magazine, the Barbadian commented on Lady GaGa’s outlandish sense of style and claimed that her own look is more genuine.

See what Rihanna had to say below:

“I don’t think I could walk down the street wearing bubbles or a dress made of ham, [but] what Lady GaGa has done has been kind of amazing. I am the opposite. I wear clothes I would wear on the street. I’m all about a real look.”

Read more on Digital Spy.

So Rihanna would wear a bedazzled panty and bra on the street? What about a pair of Mickey Mouse ears, a leather thong and fishnet stockings? O really.



  • Heather
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Straight-up liar, this Rihanna excuse.

  • 19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Yessss for the Janet gif! Lol. Rihanna did nothing but state something obvious. She’s clearly not creative enough to out-do Gaga’s looks or even create/style her own.

  • RihBaby
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    That’s right Riri! Let that FRAUD tranny know that! QUEEN RIHANNA IS REAL! NO GIMMICKS!

  • BeyBoy
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Oh please bitch. You are fake. Nothing about Rihanna is real. Changing her hair color every 5 minutes.

  • Brionna
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    The janet gif>>>>
    Lady Gaga’s singing, dancing, performances creative fashion sense, dancing, singwriting, her music & career>>>> Rihanna

  • OnlyMiklo
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Why the early morning shade Trent. Clearly she meant in public and to interviews… Performances are different because every artist (except our Mimi) can be seen rocking a onsie, skin tight leather or a matching bustier and panties. What they wear at performances has always been odd. So everyone who has commented on this post can go have a seat especially Rihbaby and yall hating ass Beyonce stans. Let Rihanna do and say what she has to to stay relevant… thats what its all about in this business.

  • Misty Jean
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    “Rihanna may not know much about singing, dancing, performing live, songwriting, engaging an audience or staying on key but she does understand fashion.”
    Trent, this is why I love you! lol

    But I have to disagree with Rihanna. Rihanna’s whole look is manufactured just like Gaga, NICKI MINAJ, Katy, etc. Remember when pop stars used to dress normal? Britney, Christina, NSYNC? None of them relied on flashy clothes or crazy hairstyles.

    Rihanna know’s she’s not talented, which is why she relies on her image. She’s a very pretty girl and looks good in about anything she wears. But once her looks fade, so will her career.

  • 19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    The Janet gif= Liiiiife!

  • T
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Genuine my ASS!

    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |



    RIHANNA >>>>>>>>> BEYONCE >>>>>>> GAGA


  • Veronica
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I’m not so convinced that she knows too much about fashion either.Her stylists may very well deserve the credit.I do consider her a fashion icon,but does she really mean a girl could,like you said,wear panties and fishnets to the local shop and make herself look ‘genuine’?Oops.And by the way she seems to have misinterpreted Lady Gaga.I see Lady Gaga dancing in outlandish stuff and often just an underwear in her videos and performances,but she’s the same in street as well.Not like she changes to jeans and pyjamas.So,if that’s the case,she’s ‘real’ with her fashion too.

  • Veronica
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Omfg.Trent,you’re a genious!You were so fuckin right about Rihanna stans,they’re immature children!Ooh God bless these little kids.

  • Renato
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Rihanna is a total fake, since Gaga showed up, all artists, including Rihanna starting wearing some kind of futuristic costumes (maybe not as Gaga’s, but still) and now RiRi says real? She’s so fake, she can’t sing, she won’t dance, her costumes are cheap, her voice is awful, she doesn’t write her songs and one more thing “GAGA WON THE CDFA AWARD FOR FASHION ICON OF THE YEAR” suck it Rihanna!

  • Mariah's "Dreamlover"
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    As my baby would say “I don’t know her” LMAO!!!

  • Rihanna Rebel
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Rihanna is speaking the truth. Lady GaGa is a totaal gimmick and nothing about her is natural. All she does is wear crazy clothes for attention and sniff coke and copy Madonna

  • RihBaby
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Look at all the madddd haters! QUEEN RIHANNA clocked Gaga’s fake tea and you fools can’t deal with the truth!

  • Jimbob
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    well clearly she’s referring to her street style, the clothes she wears in candid photo or the red carpet.

  • jjenn
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |


  • King Tasha
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I remember when Rihanna was extra thirsty to do a record with GaGa, “our styles are similiar”, I’m guessing her people asked and Miss GaGa started laughing..Oh now I get why her “fans” are so shady towards GaGa..they was hoping it would happen too. Hahahaha

  • Hobag
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    LMFAO at the gif…. That’s all I’m gonna say about this post. The rest is a mess.

  • TinaSouthAfrica
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Christina Aguilera is the second top selling single artist of the 2000s decade behind Madonna.

    Rolling Stone ranked Aguilera at 58 on their list of the 100 Greatest Singers of All Time, the youngest singer on the list. Aguilera is said to have the vocal range of a soprano, & has been referred to as the “voice of her generation” and a blue eyed soul singer. Aguilera also topped COVE’s list of the 100 Best Pop Vocalists with a score of 50/50 & came fifth in MTV’s 22 Greatest Voices in Music. Her rendition of “It’s A Man’s Man’s Man’s World” at the 49th Grammy Awards ranked third in the Grammy’s Greatest Moments List behind Celine Dion’s performance of “My Heart Will Go On” and Green Day’s performance of “American Idiot”. In an interview, Dion described Aguilera as “probably the best vocalist in the world.”

    5 time grammy award winner, vocalist, song writer/composer, actress, golden globe nominee #LegendTina

  • Shouw
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    LIAR !!

  • Blaque
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Rihana stans please .

    Lady Gaga Meat Dress is in The Rockin Roll Hall of Fame that beats anything Rihanna has copied from Kelis thank You

  • Anniegirl100
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    @Misty Jean

    “Britney, Christina, NSYNC? None of them relied on flashy clothes or crazy hairstyles.”

    Someone needs to remember the early 2000s, late 1990s. You must have blocked it our or were very young. I remember that time cleary. Christina often wore ridiculous clothes, hair and makeup and she STILL does. Britney often wore nothing (she looked hot – so why not) and NYSNC was a mess. Chris Kirpatrick and Justin Timberlake had the WORST hair………..sad times.

  • Gdboyratedloud
    19 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Rihanna spilled that true tea! Stay mad!! Do y’all get mad when Caca talks shit about other artist?like the comment she made about artist that don’t sell or the shade she threw at Britney hmmm

  • entertainer
    20 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Rihanna needs to stop with the ‘shade but no shade’ mess. She know she don’t make no kind of sense much less 2 cents what she is saying here,

  • kairn
    27 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    f*** you rihanna can perform live i have seen her live so shut up none of you have probably have ever seen her live…and she can dance and engage with a crowd……… she f**kin talked to us twice and she was always looking in to the crowd …………. plus she helped wtite all her songs on the rated r so learn your facts before you say shit

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