New Video: Leona Lewis – ‘Collide’

Continuing her quest to find a permanent cure for insomnia, Leona Lewis has released the video for ‘Collide’. Directed by Ethan Lade, the visual supports the first release from her upcoming ‘Glass Heart’ LP.

Watch the video below:

What in the name of My Little Pony is this nonsense? Clearly, Lewis spent most of what would have been the budget for this video while handling her legal case with Avicii because this cheap, boring and uninspired visual looks like an ad for E-Harmony.

Simon Cowell needs to sit with her and give her jolt of inspiration because this garbage will not sell. I am not pleased.


  • Maverick
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    poor flopona lewis. poor girl can’t live up to all the hype simon and the media raised as the next diva big thing. she will still flop. bland cheap song with insipid video. the video is not bad, but the song itself is boring with nothing offering to the table

  • 26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    ooooooh my goodness! this video is a total waste…. and the song did not even help b/c its Generic at best.

  • Girrrl
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    Looks: check
    Personality: negative

  • Britt
    26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    She needs to just stick to her favorite hobby —> Riding Horses.

    Its a shame because I love her vocals but her music makes me want to jump off the Brooklyn bridge while Hurricane Irene is showing her ass.

    Listen LeLe, please take your ass back into the studio and give us some music worth listening to.

  • 26 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    LOL bunch of pressed Mariah fans, y’all hate ANY female that can SANG besides Mariah… SMH
    This video is beautiful, Leona looks amazing and the song is really inspirational and uplifting, Trent you’re calling this vid boring but i guess when Mariah dropped that “lemme lounge all over some rocks for 4 minutes while trying to not look overweight in too small swim suits” H.A.T.E.U vid you probably where biggin it up like the 2nd thriller lol…

    Leona is just a quiet person that’s her only flaw, she is gorgeous and has a great voice, this is probably gonna be her 4th UK No1 and will do well WW (including the US) IMO.

  • Mike
    27 Aug 2011 | Permalink |

    It looks fine to me. She looks amazing and the visuals are beautiful. It fits the song perfectly IMO.

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