LA Reid To Bring Ciara & Jennifer Lopez To Epic Label Group?

Mariah Carey isn’t the only major artist preparing to make a move back to her home on Sony Music Entertainment. Amidst one of the biggest reshuffles that the industry has seen in quite some time, it is being reported that LA Reid is also seeking to bring Ciara and Jennifer Lopez into the Epic Label Group fold.

Reid is reportedly preparing his roster of acts for his formal takeover this month and is trying coax Carey and Lopez out of their current contracts with Universal Music Group and welcome them back to Sony. In addition, Ciara has allegedly been added to his lineup of artists which will also include Usher.

Carey is is currently recording what would likely be her final album to be released via UMG later this year. Lopez, on the other hand, only joined the company in 2010 shortly after being dropped leaving Epic Records. However, with the exception of ‘On the Floor (Ft. Pitbull)’, none of Lopez’s records have succeeded and her ‘Love?’ album has sold less than 210k copies since being released in the US on May 10th.

Ciara’s notoriously feuded with Jive Records, which is now part of the ELG is the US, and even publicly begged to be freed from her contract in February. Since that time, rumours have swirled that she was in talks to join UMG as part of Universal Motown.


This is some very interesting news to say the least. With ELG controlling most of Jive and LaFace’s current roster, it will very interesting to see where Carey, Lopez and Ciara are placed under the umbrella.

Regardless, considering that none of them are currently excelling on the charts, such a move needs to be planned with extreme caution. Still, there is no doubt that Lopez will jump at the chance to join Reid because she will undoubtedly be dropped soon. UMG has no ‘love’ for flops.

Now we just need to hear a formal announcement from Sony and see the official receipts. Sister Patterson wants proof.



  • Rick
    12 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Put all these flops out to pasture (I like Mariah but yes she is a flop too)

  • CICI
    12 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I just hope Ciara gets signed to a label that cares about her talent! FUCK Britney Spears

  • RihBaby
    12 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    FLOOOOPPPPPPSSSS! LOL! Look at all these bitches running from QUEEN RIHANNA! If you can stand the heat then GET ANOTHER LABEL! LOL!

  • Breezy's Wife
    12 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    What is going to happen to Chris Brown????!?!!!

    12 Jul 2011 | Permalink |


  • CICI
    12 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    RihBaby please fall in a ditch somewhere. We will see where Rihanna is in a couple years when Pop music is gone. She’ll have NO LABEL to run too!

  • Jenny On My Block
    12 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Noooo JLO don’t do it! Epic was the worst for you last year!

  • RihBaby
    12 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    @CICI you mad that you flop fave stays in the toilet bowl? BOW FOR QUEEN RIHANNA!

  • BEE
    12 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    You cannot call an artist of Mariah Carey’s stature a flop. You do realize how ridiculous that sounds right? Oh, ok.
    In any case, her “flops” would be considered great for other artists.

    All the shifting around and changes going on in the industry is interesting though. Looking forward to seeing how this all plays out and where some of these artists end up.

  • Rick
    12 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    @BEE but when was Mariah’s last hit? Her last top 40 song was 3 years ago and everything else barely charted. Accept that she’s a flop and move on

  • Americanboi
    12 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I can’t tale that GIF. I cannot Trent.

  • BEE
    12 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    You’re really not getting the point, and this does not only apply to Mariah. But I guess I can see why you think that way since we live in an era where “you’re only as good as you’re last hit”.

  • Gdboyratedloud
    12 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Mayb he sees potential in Ciara? I can see her being like Chris brown: a good seller in the US and ok worldwide! All pretty much EVERY artist needs is a winning team

  • Ci'Yonce
    12 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    So excited for Ciara. I knew something great was going to happen. I’m so fucking happy right now. Hope L.A does his job and makes sure all the artists are on top for upcoming projects.

  • Ci'Yonce
    12 Jul 2011 | Permalink |


    She is very popular outside the U.K. She has been throughout her career. There are a lot of die-hard fans out there. She went to Africa a few weeks ago and fucking #SLAYED that BITCH on stage. I’ll show you videos.

    She needs to gain new fans here in the U.S. The fans who have been there for her including myself are still supporting. If she hadn’t had any fickle fans she wouldn’t be getting all the flack she has been getting the past 3 years.

  • theman
    14 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Mariah should not be included on this list. She had a hit on her last regular album. It went gold, it was’nt that huge, but it was still certified. Also, her Christmas album which was only an holiday album did really well for the short amount of time that it was out. So she is fine.

  • theman
    14 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    By the way JLo’s album hasn’t been out that long, she has more potential singles.

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