Hot Pics: Melanie Fiona Gears Up For ‘The MF Life’ With New Promo Shots

Melanie Fiona is ready for her chart return. The singer has released these new promotional shots, taken by Kirk Edwards, to support her upcoming ‘The MF Life’ LP which will reportedly hit stores on October 25th.

More images can be seen below:

Thanks to Melanie Fiona World for the shots!

What do you think of the pics?

2 comments on this post.
  1. H3avensent08:

    Promo has just kicked off?! Didn’t she release a video for this album like in February?
    Man these labels & the way they handle their artist, just makes me shake my head.

  2. The Boy:

    She looks soooooooo good. Way to go Melanie.

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