Nicole Scherzinger Falls Flat On ‘So You Think You Can Dance’

Nicole Scherzinger obviously hasn’t gotten the memo that people simply aren’t interested in what she’s selling. The singer visited Fox’s ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ to perform ‘Right There’ from her ‘Killer Love’ LP which hits US stores in the fall.

Watch Scherzinger in action below:

It’s funny that Scherzinger keeps reminding people that “her name is Nicole” when she spends most of her time imitating other performers. From copying Janet Jackson’s dance breaks to Rihanna’s West Indian twang, there is absolutely nothing about Scherzinger that is unique or interesting.

There is a reason that she can’t get a hit in the US: she is dull. By showing little personality in her interviews and lacking her own style, Scherzinger is simply boring.

She can toss that hair and scream all she wants but I am not amused. Please exit stage left.



  • Crazy
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    and there was me thinking she fell over..

  • Diana
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Nicole is UNIQUE! Listen her master piece Killer Love! IGNORANT!

  • Liramaus
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    i can’t stand these kind of comments, if u don’t like Nicole so don’t write about her, she can sing, dance and Right There is doing very well in US #getalife

  • bidibidibom
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Booo I thought she actually fell on her butt,she’s destined to be in a group she needs to admit it and gurl bye!

  • Angiegirl100
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Trent, I think you are sipping hater juice tonight. She was great. Vocally she was nice. Her dance steps were on point. Her dancers were great.

    I really don’t get where you are coming from. Her single is doing very well in the US.

    And she IS the Pussycat Dolls. All those hits they had, were her doing. Her voice.

  • Kari
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I think Nicole is beautiful and you know, the girl is talented! In the UK she’s awesome, Nicole is very successful there!

    I disagree with you for several reasons:

    * Rihanna didn’t invent that style and similitude with Nicole is because Nicole worked with her producers, that has nothing wrong.

    * Nicole has her own music. Poison, Killer Love, Don’t Hold Your Breath.

    * It’s very easy to criticize, but difficult to do the facts, I believe that you have to find out before judging.

  • 15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Lmao. Trent. U stupid…. No wonda Sam is doing awesome on TGJ… Lmfao. Take a seat. Go Scherzy…

  • 15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    She outperforms anyone out now. I’m not sure which video we saw but she was working out! I enjoyed it. I wish she had better vocals. Maybe people are just over the mediocre talent. I mean the industry is full of it enough already.

  • 15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Right There #28 US iTunes

  • WonderLand19
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Vocally, this wasnt good. The put on accent doesn’t work in live performances only in audio. HOWEVER, she has improved in her stage presence and her handling the dancing with the live singing. This was her best performance for this song, in terms of staging/dancing.

    I like Nicole. Before she became a judge on uk x factor, i hated her because of what happened with the PCD’s. However, when she judged, you saw her personality and how fun she is. That is why she is HUGE in the UK. I hope that also happens in the US because right now she isnt doing well there. But i think things will change after you see her on US x factor.

  • Jess
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Wow… I think someones jealous!!!

  • Daneil
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I agree that nowadays her personality in interviews is boring, I don’t know what happened, because she used to have such a fun personality! But however she danced very well and sang well. Her best singing performance of ‘Right There’ is Radio 1 Summertime ball. She was amazing!! So she can sing very well, just not as good when she’s dancing like crazy. But she is extremely beautiful and has a great body!!

  • AyeBritt_
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    I think that was a great performance…I dont see where she fell flat, I’ve seen worse *cough Cough* Rihanna

    Say shes “jacking” Rihanna all you want but she still gives better performances

  • Ny
    15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    She is doing well here in the U.K but she is far from awesome.

  • 15 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    What the fuck was that????????? Im sorry but where are her 5 harmonizing back-up dancers. Shes NOTHING without them. Just a pretty face and Hosting the X Factor. Her solo career is shelved just like her album has been for years. Yeah she can sing… but so can lots of other people out there…. She performed well but honestly where was the charisma?

  • theman
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    She looks beautiful and did a great job. I didn’t catch the screaming. She was sharp, and performed basically better than most people out. That was clean and crisp. I like her and want her to do well. She is talented. She’s very laid back.

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