Music Minute!

Did you know that Whitney Houston and Madonna were tied for the most #1 singles by a female artist in the 1980s?

Both women garnered 7 chart-topping songs in the 1980-1989 decade. The only artist who accomplished more #1 tracks was Michael Jackson who scored 9.

Now you know!


  • Bey'Knight
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Fairplay to them both. It just shows Whitney has been running things before Mariah came on board. Madonna 1st release was in 1983 while Whitney’s was in 85 so its a more commendable feat for the latter. Of course those 7 consecutive no1s helped more than a little. I think for the noughties its a tie between Beyonce and Rihanna with 5 each(Mariah had 4) 2010 is beginnning of a new decade at least in billboard terms. So far Rihanna is in the lead. Number 1s are overrated anyways, MJ’s cultural impact is proof of that.

  • bidibidibom
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Why mention mariah dumbass this is about the 80′s are u slow?

  • anonymous
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    yep it was madonna and whitney. her 7 consecutive #s really is a record that she can be proud of and for the few cds that whitney released, she really has sold a boatload compared to the other divas. She’s not that far behind.

  • 16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Exactly, why even bring up Mariah’s name. Why you so obsessed with her, yeah I wanna know!…Y’all say she old and y’all don’t like her but you mention her EVERYWHERE. Smh lol it’s okay though. Clearly this is Whitney’s and Madonna’s moment.

  • Bey'Knight
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Ugh here we go again with these airy brained ones. It’s not a secret that Mariah and Whitney were pitted against each other as contemporaries in the 90s. My point is that Whitney deserves more props for makin a concrete impact in the previous decade b4 Mariah even got on scene. I dont know who said anything about not liking Mariah. Overzealous fans need to work on their sense of reasoning. Seeing your fav’s name in a comment can really do dentrimental things to your IQ

  • Rihbaby
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Rihanna will beat every one of there records in a matter of time, rihanna’s name will go down in record books, 10#1′s i know y’all mad. Whitney, madonna and mooriah have no legacy left, Rihanna will wipe all of them off this earth. The queen of pop music – Rihanna

  • kirk
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Go whitney! And bye maNdonna ur old ass needs to be in a retirement home on jupiter!

  • Ariana
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Oh Whitney, if you had stopped doing drugs on time I bet you’d had more number 1′s than anyone, maybe not more than Mariah but you gotta wonder what would have happend if…? *sighs*

    @kirk HAHAHAHAHA stop being so childish. LOL :D

    I can’t with Rihbaby, honey… you probably don’t even stan for Rihanna but your comments always make me laugh so keep them coming please!

  • latin86
    16 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Today is saturday and ima have whatever Rihababy is havn!

  • Darolo
    17 Jul 2011 | Permalink |

    Yeah it was pure hard work then to get a number 1. No facebk, Twitter or Internet to do it for you. Fans had to go out and physically purchase the records. Something magical about that frenzy. All hail to Madonna and Janet for still kicking ass. I’m sure Michael would have done too had he lived. They just don’t make ‘em like these 3 anymore and especially Madonna still presents a massive threat to the the likes of Gaga etc. Can’t wait for her new album.

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